Adam Johnson
3 SeriesAdam Johnson, an American author of literary fiction, holds a BA in Journalism from Arizona State University, an MFA from McNeese State University, and a PhD in English from Florida State University. He founded the Stanford Graphic Novel Project and has published fiction in Esquire, Harper’s, and The Paris Review. His novel, The Orphan Master’s Son, won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
In "Parasites Like Us" by Adam Johnson, anthropologist Hank Hannah searches for meaning in lost civilizations amidst a changing South Dakota where animals are disappearing or turning against humans. When a student discovers a prehistoric spear point, Hannah abandons his classroom to excavate a twelve-thousand-year-old grave, uncovering a deadly ancient legacy. Guided by his connection to an extinct people, Hannah and his companions navigate an uncertain future across icy plains, facing frozen corpses and burning pyres, as they journey back to the dawn of another Ice Age.