Barbara Delinsky
11 SeriesBarbara Delinsky, an American author, specializes in romance, dramatic novels, and literary fiction. A lifelong New England resident, she swiftly wrote and sold her first novel within three months of starting. Over 30 million copies of her works are in print, translated into 25 languages.
Barbara Delinsky, under the pen names Billie Douglass and Bonnie Drake, authored several novels. Notable works under Billie Douglass include Knightly Love, Search for a New Dawn, and Sweet Serenity. Under Bonnie Drake, she wrote Surrender by Moonlight, The Passionate Touch, and Sweet Ember. Twelve Across was later re-published as Crossed Hearts, and A Single Rose was re-released as The Invitation. These novels span various themes and genres, showcasing Delinsky's versatility as a writer.