Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe

6 Series

Daniel Defoe was an English author, renowned for his novel "Robinson Crusoe," published in 1719. This work has been translated into more languages than any other book except the Bible, underscoring Defoe's significant literary impact.

Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders" follows the life of a working-class woman living along the Thames in the early 18th century. Moll's journey is marked by her quest to find a suitable husband, leading her through multiple marriages. The novel stands out for its portrayal of Moll as a bold and resilient heroine, defying the conventional female roles of her time. Set against the backdrop of a challenging environment, Moll's story captivates readers with its strong narrative and dynamic protagonist.

Robinson Crusoe (with)

Robinson Crusoe


The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner


Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe


Serious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe


Standalone Novels

The Consolidator


The Apparition of Mrs. Veal


The King of Pirates


Captain Singleton


Memoirs of a Cavalier


Moll Flanders


Colonel Jack


History of the Plague in London


A Journal of the Plague Year


Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress


The Pirate Gow



Selected Prose and Poetry


Short Works of Daniel Defoe



The Complete English Tradesman


The Master Mercury


The Family Instructor


A General History of the Pyrates


A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain


The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard


A Plan of the English Commerce


The Political History of the Devil


The History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campell


Tour through Eastern Counties of England, 1722


Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange


A Tour Through England and Wales - Volume I.


Mother Ross


A Treatise Concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed


Religious Courtship


An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland


The Storm



An Essay upon Projects


Conjugal Lewdness, or Matrimonial Whoredom


An Essay On The History And Reality Of Apparitions


Augusta Triumphans


A Letter to the Dissenters


The True-Born Englishman and Other Writings


An Essay on the Original of Literature


And What if the Pretender Should Come? Or, some considerations of the advantages and real consequences of the Pretender's possessing the crown of Great-Britain.


An essay upon loans


The Defection Farther Consider'd


The Poor Man's Plea in Relation to All the Proclamations, Declarations, Acts of Parliament, &, Which Have Been, or Shall Be Made, or Publish'd, for a Reformation of Manners, and Suppressing Immorality in the Nations.


The Evident Advantages to Great Britain and Its Allies from the Approaching War


A Collection of the Writings of the Author of the True-Born English-Man


The History of the Union Between England and Scotland


Mere Nature Delineated


The Judgment of Whole Kingdoms and Nations


Faults on Both Sides, Or, an Essay Upon the Original Cause Progress and Mischievous Consequences of the Factions in This Nation


An Essay at Removing National Prejudices Against a Union with Scotland. to Be Continued During the Treaty Here


The History of the Kentish Petition


The True-Born Englishman


An Apology for the Army in a Short Essay on Fortitude, &C


Memoirs of the Honourable Col. Andrew Newport


The Villainy of Stock-Jobbers Detected, and the Causes of the Late Run Upon the Bank and Bankers Discovered and Considered


Reflections Upon a Late Scandalous and Malicious Pamphlet Entitul'd, the Shortest Way with the Dissenters, or Proposals for the Establishment of the Church


Vindication of the Honour and Justice of His Majesty's Government


The Shortest Way with the Dissenters


An Account of the Proceedings Against the Rebels, and Other Prisoners, Tried Before the Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, and Other Judges, in the West of England, in 1685, for Taking Arms Under the Duke of Monmouth



Classic Sea Stories


Writers: Their Lives and Works


The Great Sea Adventure

