David Liss

David Liss

8 Series

David Liss is an American author known for his historical mysteries and suspense novels. He transitioned from studying 18th Century British literature to become a full-time writer. Liss has also contributed to the comic book genre and created the series character Benjamin Weaver.

David Liss co-authors several collaborative novels, each with unique themes and co-authors. "The Copper Bracelet" involves multiple authors. "The Spider: Vol. 1," co-authored with Colton Worley, explores a distinct narrative. "Sword of the Apocalypse," written with Flint Dille and Daniel Arey, delves into apocalyptic themes. Additionally, Liss contributes to the Journalstone's Doubledown series alongside Eileen Curtright. Each work showcases Liss's versatility in collaborative storytelling.

Benjamin Weaver

A Conspiracy of Paper


A Spectacle of Corruption


The Devil's Company


The Double Dealer


Harold Middleton

The Chopin Manuscript


The Copper Bracelet


The Starling Project: An Audible Drama


Journalstone's DoubleDown

Only the Thunder Knows – East End Girls

(2013)(By: Gord Rollo)

Smog - Baggage of Eternal Night

(2013)(By: Eric J. Guignard,Lisa Morton)

Dog Days - Deadly Passage

(2013)(By: Joe McKinney,Sanford Allen)

Biters / The Reborn

(2014)(By: Harry Shannon)

Secrets / Outcast

(2014)(By: John R. Little,Mark Allan Gunnells)

Paleo - The Doomsday Prepper

(2015)(With: Eileen Curtright)

Frozen Shadows/WildWoman

(2015)(By: Gene O'Neill,Chris Marrs)








Standalone Novels

The Coffee Trader


The Ethical Assassin


The Whiskey Rebels


The Twelfth Enchantment


The Day of Atonement


The Peculiarities


Graphic Novels (with Flint Dille, Colton Worley)

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear, Volume 1


Mystery Men


Fear Itself: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear


Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive!


The Spider, Vol. 1

(2013)(With: Colton Worley)

Sword of the Apocalypse

(2013)(With: Flint Dille)

The Spider, Volume 2


The Spider Volume 3


The Shadow Now


Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 3: Moriarty Lives


Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (The Complete Collection)


Mystery Men: The Golden Age


Novels of the Marvel Universe

Iron Man 2

(2010)(By: Alexander C. Irvine)

Civil War

(2012)(By: Stuart Moore)

New Avengers: Breakout

(2013)(By: Alisa Kwitney)

Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt

(2014)(By: J.M. DeMatteis)

X-Men: Days Of Future Past

(2014)(By: Alexander C. Irvine)

Avengers: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

(2015)(By: Dan Abnett)

Ant-Man: Natural Enemy

(2015)(By: Jason Starr)

Deadpool: Paws of the Marvel Universe

(2015)(By: Stefan Petrucha)

Captain America: Dark Designs

(2016)(By: Stefan Petrucha)

Thanos: Death Sentence

(2017)(By: Stuart Moore)

Who is the Black Panther?

(2017)(By: Jesse Holland)

Planet Hulk

(2017)(By: Greg Pak)

Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover


Venom: Lethal Protector

(2018)(By: James R. Tuck)

Spider-Man: Forever Young

(2018)(By: Stefan Petrucha)

Captain Marvel: Liberation Run

(2019)(By: Tess Sharpe)

Avengers: Infinity

(2019)(By: James A. Moore)

X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga

(2019)(By: Stuart Moore)

Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt

(2019)(By: )

Morbius: The Living Vampire - Blood Ties

(2021)(By: Brendan Deneen)

Target: Kree

(2021)(By: Stuart Moore)

Marvel's Original Sin

(2022)(By: Gavin G. Smith)

Into the Dark Dimension

(2023)(By: Stuart Moore)

Captain Marvel: Shadow Code

(2023)(By: Gilly Segal)

Secret Invasion

(2023)(By: Paul Cornell)

Loki: Journey Into Mystery

(2023)(By: Katherine Locke)

Doctor Strange: Dimension War

(2024)(By: James Lovegrove)


The New Dead: A Zombie Anthology


The Monster's Corner


Four Summoner's Tales


Dark Duets


Zombies: More Recent Dead


The Gods of HP Lovecraft


Limbus, Inc. - Book III


Crime Plus Music

