Ellie Alexander
8 SeriesEllie Alexander, the pen name of Kate Dyer-Seeley, is an American author known for her cozy mystery novels. Under the name Alexander, she writes the Bakeshop Mysteries series, while her real name is used for the Pacific Northwest Mysteries series. Kate resides in the Pacific Northwest, where she draws inspiration from the outdoors and her passion for pastry recipes.
In "Underneath the Ash," Ellie Alexander, writing as Kate Dyer-Seeley, chronicles her simultaneous journey into motherhood and caregiving for her mother, who is battling early-onset Alzheimer's disease. As Kate's son, Luke, reaches developmental milestones, her mother's condition deteriorates, challenging Kate to manage their contrasting needs. Amidst an erupting Mount St. Helens in the Pacific Northwest, Kate also navigates her role as the family spokesperson and advocate for her mother's care, a duty her extended family resists acknowledging. This memoir explores not only the impact of Alzheimer's but also the broader effects of misunderstanding and denial within families. It poignantly captures the universal experiences of losing a mother while embracing motherhood.