Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh

6 Series

Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) was an English author renowned for his literary fiction and nonfiction, characterized by sardonic wit and technical brilliance. Educated at Lancing College and Hertford College, Oxford, he served in the Royal Marines and Royal Horse Guards during World War II. Post-war, Waugh focused on his writing, cementing his reputation as a masterful prose stylist.

In Evelyn Waugh's "Decline and Fall," Paul Pennyfeather is unjustly expelled from Oxford and forced into a teaching career at Llanabba Castle. There, he befriends Beste-Chetwynde and becomes entangled with his mother, Margot, who introduces him to high society. Paul becomes engaged to Margot, but their wedding is interrupted by his arrest for involvement in her white slave-trading ring.

Sword of Honour

Men at Arms


Officers and Gentlemen


Unconditional Surrender / The End of the Battle


Standalone Novels

Decline and Fall


Vile Bodies


Black Mischief


A Handful of Dust




Put Out More Flags


Brideshead Revisited


The Loved One




The Holy Places


Love Among the Ruins


Tactical Exercise / The Wish


Basil Seal Rides Again


Short Story Collections

Mr Loveday's Little Outing & Other Early Stories


Work Suspended and other stories including Basil Seal Rides Again


The Ordeal Of Gilbert Pinfold


Selected Works


Charles Ryder's Schooldays and Other Stories


Complete Short Stories


The Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh



On Guard, Bella Fleace Gave A Party





Remote People


Ninety Two Days


Saint Edmund Campion


Waugh In Abyssinia


Robbery Under Law


When the Going Was Good


The Life of Right Reverend Ronald Knox / Ronald Knox


A Tourist in Africa


A Little Learning




Diaries Of Evelyn Waugh


A Little Order


The Letters of Evelyn Waugh


Essays, Articles and Reviews


Mr Wu & Mrs Stitch


The Letters of Evelyn Waugh and Diana Cooper


Sayings of Evelyn Waugh


The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh


Two Lives: Edmund Campion: Scholar, Priest, Hero and Martyr AND Life of Ronald Knox


Seven Deadly Sins

(2002)(With: Angus Wilson)

Waugh Abroad


The Coronation of Haile Selassie



Writers At Work: The Paris Review Interviews


65 Great Tales Of Horror


65 Great Spine Chillers


Unknown California


The Monster Book of Monsters


Writing Los Angeles


Selected Shorts

