Hy Conrad

Hy Conrad

6 Series

Hy Conrad, an author of mystery novels and non-fiction, contributed to the TV series Monk as a writer for all eight seasons, earning co-executive producer credits in the final two seasons and three Edgar nominations for Best TV Series. He took over the Monk book series in 2013. Additionally, Conrad has written hundreds of short stories and a play, Home Exchanged, which premiered in Key West in 2012.

In "Rally 'Round the Corpse" by Hy Conrad, widow Amy Abel invests her savings into an adventure travel agency, organizing a mystery road rally across Europe. At the start in Monte Carlo, Amy is drawn to the enigmatic Marcus Alvarez among her clients. The rally takes a dark turn when the writer, who knew the game's solution, is murdered in New York. As strange accidents occur, Amy learns the fictional mystery is based on a real, unsolved case that Marcus is familiar with. Forced to team up with her controlling mother, Fanny, Amy must solve the mystery before the killer strikes again.

Monk (with Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse

(2006)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii

(2006)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk and The Blue Flu

(2007)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk and The Two Assistants

(2007)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk in Outer Space

(2007)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany

(2008)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk is Miserable

(2008)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk and the Dirty Cop

(2009)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk in Trouble

(2009)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk is Cleaned Out

(2010)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk on the Road

(2010)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk on the Couch

(2011)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk on Patrol

(2012)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk is a Mess

(2012)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk Gets Even

(2012)(By: Lee Goldberg)

Mr. Monk Helps Himself


Mr. Monk Gets on Board


Mr. Monk is Open for Business


Mr. Monk and the New Lieutenant


Abel Adventures Mysteries

Rally 'Round the Corpse


Amy's Travel Mysteries

Toured to Death


Dearly Departed


Death on the Patagonian Express


Callie McFee

The Fixer's Daughter


Sins of the Family


Hy Conrad Children\'s

The Case of the Ghostly Note & Other Solve-It-Yourself Whodunits



Almost Perfect Crimes


Whodunit - You Decide!


Almost Perfect Murders


Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries


The LIttle Giant Book of Whodunits


Giant Book of Whodunit Puzzles


Whodunit Crime Puzzles


Whodunit Crime Mysteries


Classic Whodunits


Mensa Whodunits


Historical Whodunits


Kids' Whodunits: Catch the Clues!


Kids' Whodunits 2: Crack the Cases!




Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know

(2012)(With: Jeff Johnson)
