Jack Higgins

Jack Higgins

10 Series

Jack Higgins, also known as Harry Patterson, was an English novelist renowned for his thriller novels, particularly the Sean Dillon series. He authored over sixty novels, using pseudonyms such as High Marlowe and James Graham. Several of his works, including "The Eagle Has Landed," "A Prayer for the Dying," and "Windsor Protocol," were adapted into films.

Jack Higgins' novels feature gripping narratives and alternate titles. *The Testament of Caspar Schultz*, also known as *The Bormann Testament*, delves into the hunt for a hidden Nazi fortune. *Eye of the Storm*, or *Midnight Man*, follows a protagonist navigating dangerous espionage. *A Candle for the Dead*, published as *The Violent Enemy*, explores themes of revenge and redemption. *In the Hour Before Midnight*, also titled *The Sicilian Heritage*, uncovers a dark family secret. *Seven Pillars to Hell*, known as *Sheba*, and *The Run to Morning*, or *Bloody Passage*, both involve thrilling pursuits across exotic locales.

Martin Fallon

Cry of the Hunter

(1960)(As: Harry Patterson)

A Prayer for the Dying


Paul Chavasse (as Martin Fallon)

The Bormann Testament / The Testament of Caspar Schultz


Year of the Tiger


The Keys of Hell


Midnight Never Comes


Dark Side of the Street


A Fine Night for Dying


Nick Miller (as Harry Patterson)

The Graveyard Shift


Brought in Dead


Hell is Always Today


Simon Vaughn (as Martin Fallon)

Dark Side of the Street


The Savage Day


Day of Judgment


Liam Devlin

The Eagle Has Landed


Touch the Devil




The Eagle Has Flown


Dougal Munro and Jack Carter

Night of the Fox


Cold Harbour


Flight of Eagles


Sean Dillon

Eye of the Storm / Midnight Man


Thunder Point


On Dangerous Ground


Angel of Death


Drink with the Devil


The President's Daughter


The White House Connection


Day of Reckoning


Edge of Danger


Midnight Runner


Bad Company


Dark Justice


Without Mercy


The Killing Ground


Rough Justice


A Darker Place


The Wolf at the Door


The Judas Gate


A Devil is Waiting


The Death Trade


Rain on the Dead


The Midnight Bell


Chance Twins/Rich and Jade (with Justin Richards)

Sure Fire


Death Run


Sharp Shot


First Strike


Standalone Novels

Sad Wind from the Sea

(1959)(As:Harry Patterson)

The Thousand Faces of Night

(1961)(As:Harry Patterson)

Hell Is Too Crowded

(1962)(As:Harry Patterson)

Comes the Dark Stranger

(1962)(As:Harry Patterson)

Seven Pillars to Hell / Sheba

(1963)(As:Hugh Marlowe)

Pay the Devil

(1963)(As:Harry Patterson)

The Dark Side of the Island

(1963)(As:Harry Patterson)

A Phoenix in the Blood

(1964)(As:Harry Patterson)

Wrath of the Lion

(1964)(As:Harry Patterson)

Passage by Night

(1964)(As:Hugh Marlowe)

Thunder at Noon / Dillinger

(1964)(As:Harry Patterson)

The Iron Tiger

(1966)(As:Harry Patterson)

A Candle for the Dead / The Violent Enemy

(1966)(As:Hugh Marlowe)

East of Desolation


In the Hour Before Midnight / The Sicilian Heritage


A Game for Heroes

(1970)(As:James Graham)

Night Judgement at Sinos


The Wrath of God

(1971)(As:James Graham)

The Last Place God Made


Toll for the Brave

(1971)(As:Harry Patterson)

The Khufra Run

(1972)(As:James Graham)

The Run to Morning / Bloody Passage

(1974)(As:James Graham)

Storm Warning


The Valhalla Exchange


To Catch a King

(1979)(As:Harry Patterson)

Solo / The Cretan Lover


Luciano's Luck




A Season in Hell


Memoirs of a Dance-Hall Romeo



Northern Frights

