Janet Bolin

Janet Bolin

2 Series

Janet Bolin is a Canadian author renowned for her cozy mysteries. She is best known for the Threadville Mystery series.

In "Threaded for Trouble," national sewing competition winner Darlene Coddlefield visits Threadville and Willow's shop, bringing her prize, a top-of-the-line Chandler Champion sewing machine. Before she can use it, Darlene is found dead under the sewing table in what is revealed to be no accident. A list of suspects emerges, each with potential motives for wanting her dead. Willow, along with her best friend Haylee, takes on the task of unraveling the mystery behind Darlene's untimely death.

Threadville Mystery

Dire Threads


Threaded for Trouble


Thread and Buried


Night of the Living Thread


Seven Threadly Sins


Deputy Donut Mysteries (as Ginger Bolton)

Survival of the Fritters


Goodbye Cruller World


Jealousy Filled Donuts


Boston Scream Murder


Beyond a Reasonable Donut


Deck the Donuts


Cinnamon Twisted


Double Grudge Donuts


Blame the Beignets

