Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor

6 Series

Jodi Taylor is an English author known for her fantasy and historical romance novels, including the Chronicles of St. Mary’s series, which she writes under her own name, and historical romances penned as Isabella Barclay. Her work has been influenced by notable authors such as Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and Jennifer Crusie. Taylor's passion for history is a driving force in her writing.

"A Bachelor Establishment," penned by Jodi Taylor under the pseudonym Isabella Barclay, is a historical novel featured in the Christmas Cracker collection, which also includes works by Catrin Collier, Caroline Dunford, Andrea Frazer, Katherine John, and Jenny Kane. Additionally, it is part of the Historical Box Set alongside novels by James Green, Jane Jackson, George Rees, and Tom Williams. This engaging narrative delves into the intricacies of bachelor life during a bygone era, offering readers a rich tapestry of historical detail and compelling character development.

Chronicles Of St. Mary's

Just One Damned Thing After Another


A Symphony of Echoes


When a Child is Born


A Second Chance


Roman Holiday


A Trail Through Time


Christmas Present


No Time Like the Past


What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


The Very First Damned Thing


Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings


Lies, Damned Lies, and History


The Great St Mary's Day Out


My Name is Markham


And the Rest is History


The Long and Short of It


A Perfect Storm


Christmas Past


An Argumentation of Historians


The Battersea Barricades


The Steam Pump Jump


And Now for Something Completely Different


Hope for the Best


Long Story Short


When Did You Last See Your Father?


Why is Nothing Ever Simple?


Plan For The Worst


The Ordeal of the Haunted Room


Another Time, Another Place


The Toast of Time


A Catalogue of Catastrophe


The Good, the Bad and the History


Christmas Pie


Lights! Camera! Mayhem!


Frogmorton Farm

The Nothing Girl


Little Donkey


The Something Girl


Joy to the World


Storm Christopher


Elizabeth Cage

White Silence


Dark Light


Long Shadows


Bad Moon


The Time Police

Doing Time


Hard Time


Saving Time


About Time


Santa Grint


Killing Time


Standalone Novels

A Bachelor Establishment


The Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal


Short Story Collections

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

