John Buchan

John Buchan

9 Series

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (1875-1940), was a Scottish novelist and author known for his adventure novels and non-fiction works. He served as the 15th Governor General of Canada and is most famous for his novel "The Thirty-Nine Steps," which was adapted into the Alfred Hitchcock film "The 39 Steps." Buchan featured the novel's protagonist, Richard Hannay, in several other works.

John Buchan's "Sick Heart River," also known as "Mountain Meadow," follows the protagonist's journey into the Canadian wilderness in search of solace and redemption. In "The Long Traverse," alternatively titled "Lake of Gold," the narrative explores themes of adventure and discovery. "Memory Hold-the-Door," released as "Pilgrim's Way" in the United States, delves into the author's personal reflections and experiences. Each work encapsulates Buchan's signature blend of introspection and exploration, drawing readers into compelling tales of human endurance and transformation.

Richard Hannay

The Thirty-Nine Steps




Mr. Standfast


The Three Hostages


The Courts Of The Morning


The Island of Sheep


Leithen Stories (with Robin Hardy)

The Power-House


John MacNab


The Dancing Floor


The Gap in the Curtain


Sick Heart River


Dickson McCunn



Castle Gay


The House of the Four Winds


Standalone Novels

John Burnet of Barns


A Lost Lady of Old Years


The Half-Hearted


A Lodge in the Wilderness


Prester John


Salute to Adventurers




Witch Wood


The Magic Walking Stick


The Blanket Of The Dark


A Prince of the Captivity


The Free Fishers


The Long Traverse


Short Stories/Novellas

The Novel and the Fairy Tale


The Kirk in Scotland


These for Remembrance


Gordon At Khartoum


Sir Quixote of the Moors


Musa Piscatrix




What I Saw In California


Short Story Collections

Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of My Own People


The Watcher By the Threshold and Other Tales


The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies


The Runagates Club


The Strange Adventures of Mr Andrew Hawthorn


The Clearing House: A Survey of One's Mind


Best Short Stories


The Best Supernatural Stories of John Buchan


Supernatural Buchan


Collected Supernatural Stories



Scholar Gipsies


Sir Walter Raleigh


Some Eighteenth Century Byways, And Other Essays


Sir Walter Scott


Andrew Jameson, Lord Ardwall


History of the Battle of the Somme


Francis and Riversdale Grenfell, a Memoir


A History of the Great War


The Last Secrets


Days to Remember


Lord Minto




Julius Caesar


The Massacre of Glencoe


Oliver Cromwell


The King's Grace: 1910-1935


Episodes of the Great War




Naval Episodes of the Great War


Memory Hold-the-Door


Pilgrim's Way


John Buchan By His Wife and Friends


A History of the First World War


The Marquis of Montrose


History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers


The Battle of the Somme, First Phase


The Last Secrets - The Final Mysteries of Exploration


John Buchan's 1914


Buchan's War


The Path of the King


Britain's War by Land


The Nations of To-Day


The First World War in Africa 1914-1918


Italy: The Nations of To-day


Nine Journeys of Wonder


Poetry Collections

John Buchan's Collected Poems



The Yellow Book


Atlantic Harvest: Memoirs of the Atlantic


Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy


Adventure Stories for Boys and Girls


Great Flying Stories


Spies And Secret Agents


From the Line: Scottish War Poetry 1914 - 1945


Scottish Stories

