Kate Charles

Kate Charles

7 Series

Kate Charles is an acclaimed author of mystery and suspense novels, influenced by Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie. After moving to the United Kingdom in 1986, she set her Book of Psalms series in the Church of England. Following open-heart surgery, she ventured into suspense with "Unruly Passions" and later introduced Callie Anson, a newly-ordained woman, in a series set in Venice.

In "A Drink of Deadly Wine," the first installment of Kate Charles' A Book of Psalms Mystery series, Father Gabriel Neville's promising career and happy family life are threatened by an anonymous letter that could expose a hidden secret. Desperate, Gabriel turns to his old friend David Middleton-Brown for help. David's discreet investigations in London uncover several suspects, including the church organist, a gossip, a disapproving family, the churchwarden in love with Gabriel's wife, and a charming artist. As David delves deeper, he uncovers numerous secrets that not only jeopardize Gabriel's life but also threaten his own peace of mind.

Callie Anson

Evil Intent


Secret Sins


Deep Waters


False Tongues


Desolate Places


Book Of Psalms Mysteries

A Drink of Deadly Wine


The Snares of Death


Appointed to Die


A Dead Man Out of Mind


Evil Angels Among Them


Standalone Novels

Unruly Passions


Strange Children


Cruel Habitations


Short Stories/Novellas



A Question of Identity


Short Story Collections

Through a Glass, Darkly and Other Stories


Caroline Canfield Mysteries (with Various, G. Miki Hayden, Margaret Frazer, Dianne Day, Serita Stevens, Jacqueline Fiedler, Tom Kreitzberg)

Tiger's Palette

(1998)(By: Jacqueline Fiedler)

Sketches with Wolves

(2001)(By: Jacqueline Fiedler)


Unholy Orders

