Livia J. Washburn

Livia J. Washburn

15 Series

Livia J. Washburn is an American author known for her works in mystery, western, paranormal romance, and historical fiction genres. She has published under various pseudonyms including Elizabeth Hallam, Livia Hallam, Livia James, J.L. Reasoner, Livia Reasoner, and L.J. Washburn. Washburn began her writing career while assisting her husband, James Reasoner, with his manuscripts during their high school years.

Livia J. Washburn, also known as L.J. Washburn and Livia Hallam, has co-authored several works with James Reasoner, including "Tie a Black Ribbon," "Crusade: Lyron's Lament," "Mockingbird and Big Earl," and the Palmetto series. Under the name L.J. Washburn, she wrote the Lucas Hallam and Wind River series, as well as standalone novels such as "Epitaph," "The Black Moon," "Bandera Pass," "Ghost River," "Riders of the Monte," and "Red River Ruse." "The Black Moon" features contributions from notable authors like Loren D. Estleman, Ed Gorman, W.R. Philbrick, and Robert J. Randisi. Additionally, the collection "The Traditional West," which includes contributions from Jackson Lowry, Larry Jay Martin, Kerry Newcomb, Kit Prate, Robert J. Randisi, James Reasoner, and Dusty Richards, credits Washburn as L.J. Washburn.

Kingfisher P.I.

Kingfisher P. I.

(2023)(With: James Reasoner)

Dark Ride

(2024)(With: James Reasoner)

Tourist Trap

(2024)(With: James Reasoner)

Lucas Hallam (as L.J. Washburn)

Wild Night




Dog Heavies




Wind River (with James Reasoner, as L.J. Washburn)

Wind River

(1994)(By: James Reasoner)

Thunder Wagon

(1994)(By: James Reasoner)

Wolf Shadow

(1994)(By: James Reasoner)

Medicine Creek

(1995)(By: James Reasoner)

Dark Trail

(1995)(By: James Reasoner)

Judgment Day

(2011)(By: James Reasoner)

Ransom Valley


Outlaw Blood


Six-Gun Law


Our Town

Mending Fences


Magical Love (with Sheridon Smythe, Lisa Hendrix, Ginny Reyes)

A Faerie Tale

(1998)(By: Ginny Reyes)

Alura's Wish


Razzle Dazzle

(1999)(By: Lisa Hendrix)

It Takes Two

(2010)(By: Sheridon Smythe)

Three's A Charm

(2010)(By: Sheridon Smythe)

Palmetto (with James Reasoner)

Call to Arms


War Drums

(2006)(With: James Reasoner)

Fresh-Baked Mysteries

A Peach of a Murder


Murder by the Slice


The Christmas Cookie Killer


Killer Crab Cakes


The Pumpkin Muffin Murder


The Gingerbread Bump-Off


Wedding Cake Killer


The Fatal Funnel Cake


Trick or Deadly Treat


The Candy Cane Cupcake Killer


Baker's Deadly Dozen


Black and Blueberry Die


The Great Chili Kill-Off


Death Bakes a Pecan Pie


The Coconut Bunny Butt Caper


Never Trifle with Murder


Delilah Dickinson

Frankly My Dear, I'm Dead


Huckleberry Finished


Killer On A Hot Tin Roof


For Whom the Funeral Bell Tolls


Tongue-Tied Witch

Witch Got Your Tongue


A Peck of Pickled Warlocks


Evans Novel of the West (as L.J. Washburn)



Riders of the Monte


Standalone Novels

The Emerald Land


Ghost River

(1990)(As: L.J. Washburn)

Red River Ruse

(1991)(As: L.J. Washburn)

Rivers of Gold

(1995)(As: J.L. Reasoner)

The Healer's Road

(1995)(As: J.L. Reasoner)

Crusade: Lyron's Lament

(1995)(As: Livia Reasoner, With: James Reasoner)

Healer's Calling

(1996)(As: J.L. Reasoner)

Cossack Three Ponies

(1997)(As: J.L. Reasoner)

Yesterday's Flame


Tie a Black Ribbon

(2000)(With: James Reasoner)

The Vampire Affair

(2009)(As: Livia Reasoner)

Twice As Deadly


The Phantom Ranger and the Skateboard Gang

(2013)(As: Livia Reasoner, With: James Reasoner)

Bandera Pass

(2018)(As: L.J. Washburn)

Short Stories/Novellas (James Reasoner, as Livia Reasoner)

Mockingbird and Big Earl

(2014)(As: Livia Reasoner, With: James Reasoner)

Charlie's Pie


Guarding Her Heart


Missing! City of Gold

(2015)(As: Livia Reasoner, With: James Reasoner)



Naughty or Mice


The Badge and the Bride


Panhandle Freight




Kissing Until Christmas


Short Story Collections

A Wild West Christmas


Haunting Hearts (with Kimberly Raye, Tess Farraday, Kate Freiman, Sally Berneathy, Rachel Wilson)

Shadows in the Flame

(1997)(By: Tess Farraday)

Earth Angel

(1997)(By: Kate Freiman)

Restless Spirits

(1998)(By: Rachel Wilson)

Heaven's Promise

(1998)(By: Rachel Wilson)

Snow in Summer

(1999)(By: Tess Farraday)

Bittersweet Summer

(1999)(By: Rachel Wilson)

Spirit of Love

(1999)(By: Rachel Wilson)

In the Midnight Hour

(2009)(By: Kimberly Raye)

Ghost of Summer

(2012)(By: Sally Berneathy)

Spirit Catcher



The Eyes Have It


An Eye for Justice


The Black Moon


Feline and Famous


Vengeance is Hers


The Best of the American West II


The Book of All Flesh


White Hats


Guns of the West


Texas Rangers


The Traditional West


The Christmas Campfire Companion


The Peacemakers


Six-Guns and Slay Bells


Wolf Creek: Murder in Dogleg City


Lassoing A Bride


Present for a Cowboy


Nine Deadly Lives


One Christmas Knight


A Mail-Order Christmas Bride


Mail Order Brides for Sale


Tales of the Old West

