Marcus Sakey
4 SeriesMarcus Sakey is an American novelist known for his crime fiction set in Chicago's southside. He has successfully sold film rights to several of his works, including "The Blade Itself," "Good People," and "At the City's Edge." In addition to his writing, Sakey hosts the Travel Channel's "Hidden City." He resides in Chicago with his wife.
Marcus Sakey's novels explore gripping narratives under multiple titles. "At the City's Edge," also known as "Accelerant," delves into urban crime and corruption. "Good People," alternatively titled "Too Good To Be True," follows a couple's descent into moral ambiguity after discovering a fortune. "The Amateurs," also called "No Turning Back," tracks a group of strangers united by a shared secret and their quest for justice. Each story intertwines personal dilemmas with broader societal issues, offering intense suspense and compelling character development.