R.F. Delderfield
7 SeriesR.F. Delderfield (1912-1972) was an English novelist renowned for his historical fiction that examines English history, liberalism, and critiques the class system. He also authored plays and non-fiction works. Delderfield's writing is characterized by straightforward prose, traditional social values, and progressive politics.
Author: R.F. Delderfield Rewritten synopsis: In "To Serve Them All My Days," David Powlett-Jones, a shell-shocked veteran of World War I, becomes a teacher at Bamfylde School. Over the decades, he rises to headmaster, navigating the challenges of educating young men through economic depression and another world war. His dedication transforms the school and its students, reflecting the broader societal changes of the era. The novel explores themes of resilience, duty, and the impact of education on personal and national identity.