Sarah Rees Brennan
12 SeriesSarah Rees Brennan, originally from Ireland, pursued a Creative Writing MA in Surrey, England, and has worked in libraries. She briefly lived in New York after college before returning to Ireland. Influenced by authors such as Anthony Trollope, Robin McKinley, Diana Wynne Jones, and Jane Austen, her love for reading shaped her career as a writer.
Sarah Rees Brennan has co-authored several notable works. "Team Human," written with Justine Larbalestier, focuses on the complexities of human-vampire relationships. "The Bane Chronicles," co-authored with Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson, delves into the adventures of warlock Magnus Bane. Additionally, "Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy," written with Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson, and Robin Wasserman, explores the training and trials of young Shadowhunters. Each series offers unique insights into their supernatural worlds.