Scott Hahn

Scott Hahn

8 Series

Scott Hahn, an American author of religious non-fiction, holds a BA from Grove City College, an M.Div from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Theology from Marquette University. A former Presbyterian minister, he converted to Catholicism in 1986 and founded the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, where he serves as President. Hahn resides in Ohio with his wife Kimberly; they have six children and numerous grandchildren.

Author: Scott Hahn Rewritten synopsis: Dr. Scott Hahn's series delves into the enduring validity of the Catholic Church's biblical interpretations. It examines why contemporary biblical criticism is being reevaluated. The series provides a robust defense of the Church's teachings, offering clarity on the Bible's reliability. Hahn's work is essential for those seeking to understand the trustworthiness of scriptural texts.


Faith and Revelation


Understanding the Scriptures


The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

(2013)(With: Mike Aquilina)

Scott Hahn Religion

Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism

(1993)(With: Kimberly Hahn)

Answering Common Objections


The End:A Study Of The Book Of Revelation


Our Father's Plan: Salvation History from Genesis to the Catholic Church

(1995)(With: Jeff Cavins)

Why the Hell?


The Lamb's Supper


Hail, Holy Queen


Can You Trust the Bible?


The Most Holy Rosary


A Kingdom Divided

(2002)(With: Kimberly Hahn)

Understanding "Our Father": Biblical Reflections on the Lord's Prayer


Salvation History


Living the Mysteries

(2003)(With: Mike Aquilina)

Lord, Have Mercy


Scripture Matters


Stand Up for Your Faith


Swear to God


Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace


Reading Salvation


First Comes Love


Reasons to Believe


Genesis to Jesus: Journey Through Scripture

(2007)(With: Kimberly Hahn,MichaelBarber)

A Pocket Guide to St. Paul


Answering the New Atheism

(2008)(With: Benjamin Wiker)

The Bible at a Glance


St. Paul at a Glance


Catholic Bible Dictionary


Signs of Life


Spirit & Life


Covenant and Communion


Hope for Hard Times


For the Sake of Our Salvation

(2011)(With: David Scott)

The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire


Politicizing the Bible

(2012)(With: Benjamin Wiker)

Lenten Reflections From A Father Who Keeps His Promises


Consuming the Word


The Church, Sacrament of Salvation


Joy to the World

(2014)(With: Mike Aquilina)

Angels and Saints


Evangelizing Catholics


The Creed


The Fourth Cup


The First Society



(2019)(With: Curtis Mitch)

Hope to Die

(2020)(With: Emily Stimpson Chapman)

Modern Biblical Criticism as a Tool of Statecraft

(2020)(With: Jeffrey Lawrence Morrow)

It Is Right and Just

(2020)(With: Brandon McGinley)

The Decline and Fall of Sacred Scripture

(2021)(With: Benjamin Wiker)

The Book of Psalms

(2022)(With: Curtis Mitch,Dennis Walters)

Holy Is His Name


Seven Clues

(2022)(With: Maura Roan McKeegan)

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Old and New Testaments

(2024)(With: Curtis Mitch)

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (with Curtis Mitch, R. Dennis Walters)

The Acts of the Apostles


The Gospel of John


The Gospel of Matthew


The Gospel of Mark


The Gospel of Luke


The Letter of St. Paul to the Romans


The First and Second Letters of Saint Paul to the Corinthians


The Letters of St. Paul to the Galatians & Ephesians


The Letters of St. Paul to the Philippians, Colossians and Philemon


The Letters of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus


The Letter to the Hebrews


The Letters of St. James, St. Peter & St. Jude


The First, Second, and Third Letters of St. John, and the Revelation to John


New Testament


The Book of Genesis




Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon






Judges and Ruth


1 & 2 Samuel


1 & 2 Kings


The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library

The Gnostic Scriptures

(300)(By: Porphyry,Bentley Layton,Irenaeus of Lyons,Basilides,David Brakke,Hermes Trismegistus,Clement of Alexandria,Epiphanius of Salamis,Valentinus,Ptolemy the Gnostic)

The Birth of the Messiah

(1977)(By: Raymond E. Brown)

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 2: Expansions of the Old Testament and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works

(1985)(By: James H. Charlesworth)

Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume 1: 10,000-586 B.C.E.

(1990)(By: Amihai Mazar)

A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume I: The Roots of the Problem and the Person

(1991)(By: John P. Meier)

Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls

(1992)(By: James H. Charlesworth)

The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible

(1992)(By: Joseph Blenkinsopp)

History and Prophecy: The Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions

(1993)(By: Brian Peckham)

Introduction to Rabbinic Literature

(1994)(By: Jacob Neusner)

A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume II: Mentor, Message, and Miracles

(1994)(By: John P. Meier)

An Introduction to the New Testament

(1997)(By: Raymond E. Brown)

Education in Ancient Israel: Across the Deadening Silence

(1998)(By: James L. Crenshaw)

Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel

(1998)(By: Susan Ackerman)

The Death of the Messiah, Volume 1

(1998)(By: Raymond E. Brown)

The Death of the Messiah, Volume 2

(1998)(By: Raymond E. Brown)

A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels

(1999)(By: David Laird Dungan)

A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume III - Companions and Competitors

(2001)(By: John P. Meier)

Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume 2: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods

(2001)(By: Ephraim Stern)

Peoples of an Almighty God: Competing Religions in the Ancient World

(2002)(By: Jonathan Goldstein)

An Introduction to the Gospel of John

(2003)(By: Raymond E. Brown,Francis J. Moloney)

The Empty Men: The Heroic Tradition of Ancient Israel

(2005)(By: Gregory Mobley)

No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus

(2008)(By: Susan R. Garrett)

A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 4: Law and Love

(2009)(By: John P. Meier)

Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises


Among the Gentiles: Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity

(2009)(By: Luke Timothy Johnson)

The Good and Evil Serpent: How a Universal Symbol Became Christianized

(2010)(By: James H. Charlesworth)

The Formation of the Jewish Canon

(2012)(By: Timothy H. Lim)

The Composition of the Pentateuch: Renewing the Documentary Hypothesis

(2012)(By: Joel S. Baden)

Ancient Christian Martyrdom

(2012)(By: Candida R. Moss)

Alexander to Constantine - Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume III

(2012)(By: Mark A. Chancey,Eric M. Meyers)

A Social History of Hebrew: Its Origins Through the Rabbinic Period

(2013)(By: William M. Schniedewind)

Women's Divination in Biblical Literature: Prophecy, Necromancy, and Other Arts of Knowledge

(2015)(By: Esther J. Hamori)

Language and Literacy in Roman Judaea: A Study of the Bar Kokhba Documents

(2015)(By: Michael Owen Wise)

Revelation and Authority: Sinai in Jewish Scripture and Tradition

(2015)(By: Benjamin D. Sommer)

The Responsive Self: Personal Religion in Biblical Literature of the Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods

(2015)(By: Susan Niditch)

A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume V: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables

(2015)(By: John P. Meier)

Where the Gods Are: Spatial Dimensions of Anthropomorphism in the Biblical World

(2016)(By: Mark S. Smith)

The House of the Mother: The Social Roles of Maternal Kin in Biblical Hebrew Narrative and Poetry

(2016)(By: Cynthia R. Chapman)

Friendship in the Hebrew Bible

(2017)(By: Saul M. Olyan)

The Birth of Christian History: Memory and Time from Mark to Luke-Acts

(2017)(By: Eve-Marie Becker)

Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul

(2018)(By: Emma Wasserman)

Philo of Alexandria: An Intellectual Biography

(2018)(By: Maren R. Niehoff)

How Old Is the Hebrew Bible?: A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study

(2018)(By: Ronald Hendel,Jan Joosten)

The Temple in Early Christianity: Experiencing the Sacred

(2019)(By: Eyal Regev)

Matthew within Sectarian Judaism

(2019)(By: John Kampen)

Becoming Diaspora Jews: Behind the Story of Elephantine

(2019)(By: Karel van der Toorn)

Literary Theory and the New Testament

(2019)(By: Michal Beth Dinkler)

Jewish Christianity: The Making of the Christianity-Judaism Divide

(2020)(By: Matt Jackson-McCabe)

Hell Hath No Fury: Gender, Disability, and the Invention of Damned Bodies in Early Christian Literature

(2021)(By: Meghan R. Henning)

The Spirit within Me: Self and Agency in Ancient Israel and Second Temple Judaism

(2021)(By: Carol A. Newsom)

Women and the Religion of Ancient Israel

(2022)(By: Susan Ackerman)

Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch

(2022)(By: Jeffrey Stackert)

Paul Transformed: Reception of the Person and Letters of Paul in Antiquity

(2022)(By: Adela Yarbro Collins)

The Origins of Judaism: An Archaeological-Historical Reappraisal

(2022)(By: Yonatan Adler)

Biblical Defense of Catholicism

A Biblical Defense of Catholicism

(2001)(By: Dave Armstrong,John A. Hardon)

More Biblical Evidence for Catholicism: Companion to a Biblical Defense of Catholicism

(2002)(With: Dave Armstrong)

Counterpoints: Bible and Theology

Four Views on the Book of Revelation

(1998)(By: Robert L. Thomas,C. Marvin Pate,Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.,Sam Hamstra Jr.)

Five Views on Apologetics

(2000)(By: Kelly James Clark,Gary R. Habermas,William Lane Craig,Steven B. Cowan,John M. Frame,Paul D. Feinberg)

How Jewish Is Christianity?

(2003)(By: Louis Goldberg)

Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 Views

(2004)(By: Harold M. Best,Stanley N. Gundry,Paul Basden)

Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

(2009)(By: Darrell L. Bock,Kenneth Berding)

Four Views on Moving beyond the Bible to Theology

(2009)(By: Kevin J. Vanhoozer,Zondervan ,Daniel M. Doriani,Mark L. Strauss,Stanley N. Gundry,Walter C. KaiserJr.,William J. Webb,Al Wolters,Christopher J. H. Wright,Gary T. Meadors)

Two Views on Women in Ministry

(2010)(By: Craig L. Blomberg)

Show Them No Mercy: 4 Views on God and Canaanite Genocide

(2010)(By: Tremper Longman III,Eugene H. Merrill)

Exploring the Worship Spectrum

(2010)(By: Paul Basden)

Three Views on Creation and Evolution

(2010)(By: J.P. Moreland)

Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond

(2010)(By: Darrell L. Bock,Craig A. Blaising)

Five Views on Law and Gospel

(2010)(By: Greg L. Bahnsen,DouglasJ. Moo)

Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World

(2010)(By: R. Douglas Geivett)

Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism

(2010)(By: Michael Horton,J. I. Packer)

Four Views on Divine Providence

(2011)(By: William Lane Craig,Dennis Jowers,Ron Highfield,Gregory A. Boyd,Paul Kjoss Helseth)

Five Views on Sanctification

(2011)(By: John F. Walvoord)

Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism

(2011)(By: R. Albert Mohler Jr.,Andrew David Naselli,Collin Hansen,Roger E. Olson,Kevin T. Bauder,John G. Stackhouse Jr.)

Four Views on Eternal Security

(2011)(By: Norman Geisler)

Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?: 4 Views

(2011)(By: Wayne A. Grudem)

Four Views on Christian Spirituality


Four Views on the Apostle Paul

(2012)(By: Michael F. Bird,Thomas R. Schreiner,Luke Timothy Johnson,Mark D. Nanos)

Four Views on the Role of Works at the Final Judgment

(2013)(By: Thomas R. Schreiner)

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

(2013)(By: Michael F. Bird,Kevin J. Vanhoozer,R. Albert Mohler Jr.,Peter Enns,Stanley N. Gundry,John R. Franke,James R.A. Merrick,Stephen M. Garrett)

Four Views on the Historical Adam

(2013)(By: Matthew Barrett,C. John Collins,John H. Walton,Gregory A. Boyd,Ardel B. Caneday,Stanley N. Gundry)

Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity

(2014)(By: Stephen R. Holmes)

Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither?: Three Views on the Bible’s Earliest Chapters

(2015)(By: James K. Hoffmeier,Gordon John Wenham)

Five Views on the Church and Politics

(2015)(By: Robert Benne,Stanley N. Gundry,J. Brian Benestad)

Four Views on Hell: Second Edition

(2016)(By: Denny Burk,Preston M. Sprinkle)

Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy

(2016)(By: Paul M. Gould,K. Scott Oliphint)

Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church

(2016)(By: Wesley Hill,Zondervan ,Stephen R. Holmes,Stanley N. Gundry,William Loader,Megan K. Defranza,Preston M. Sprinkle)

Four Views on the Church's Mission

(2017)(By: Peter J. Leithart,Jonathan Leeman,John R. Franke,Christopher J. H. Wright)

Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

(2017)(By: Hugh Ross,Stephen C. Meyer,Ken Ham,J.B. Stump,Deborah Haarsma,Stanley N. Gundry)

Three Views on the Rapture: Pretribulation, Prewrath, or Posttribulation

(2018)(By: Douglas J. Moo)

Five Views on the Extent of the Atonement

(2019)(By: Adam J. Johnson,Michael Horton,Fred Sanders,Tom Greggs,Matthew Levering)

Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?: Four Views

(2019)(By: Francis J. Beckwith)

Three Views on Christianity and Science

(2021)(By: Zondervan)

Five Views on the Exodus: Historicity, Chronology, and Theological Implications

(2021)(By: James K. Hoffmeier,Ronald Hendel,Mark D. Janzen,Scott Stripling,Gary A. Rendsburg,Peter Feinman)

Four Views on Heaven

(2022)(By: Michael Allen)

Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament: Genre, Authorial Intent, and the Nature of Scripture

(2022)(By: Jason S. DeRouchie,Tremper Longman III,Brian J. Tabb)

Five Views on the Gospel

(2023)(By: Michael F. Bird,Scot McKnight,Michael Horton,Jason Maston,David A. deSilva,Julie C Ma,Shively T J Smith)

Surprised by Truth

Surprised By Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic

(1994)(With: Paul Thigpen,Patrick Madrid,Jimmy Akin,Al Kresta,Steve Wood,Marcus Grodi,Robert A. Sungenis,Julie Swenson,Rick Conason,T.L. Frazier,Tim Staples,Dave Armstrong)

Surprised by Truth 2: 15 Men and Women Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons For Becoming Catholic

(2000)(By: Patrick Madrid)

Surprised by Truth 3: 10 More Converts Explain the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic

(2002)(By: Patrick Madrid)


Catholic for a Reason


Catholic for a Reason II


Scripture & the Mystery of the Mother of God


Catholic for a Reason III


Letter and Spirit


Scripture & the Mystery of the Mass


Letter & Spirit Vol. II


Catholic for a Reason IV


Letter & Spirit, Volume 3


Letter & Spirit, Volume 4


Letter & Spirit, Volume 5


Letter & Spirit, Vol. 7


Letter & Spirit, Volume 8


Letter & Spirit, Vol. 12

