Sharyn McCrumb

Sharyn McCrumb

10 Series

Sharyn McCrumb is an American author known for her crime fiction, mystery novels, and Appalachian fiction, including the Elizabeth MacPherson and Ballad series. She has received numerous accolades, including the Edgar, Agatha, Nero, Anthony, and Macavity Awards. McCrumb holds a Master’s Degree in English from Virginia Tech, and her works have been translated into eleven languages.

Sharyn McCrumb's "If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O," also published as "If Ever I Return," follows the investigation of a folk singer's disappearance in the Appalachian mountains. The narrative intertwines modern crime with ancient ballads, exploring themes of isolation and tradition. McCrumb co-authored "Faster Pastor" with Adam Edwards, though specific details of this collaboration are not provided in the original synopsis.


If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O


The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter


She Walks These Hills


The Rosewood Casket


The Ballad of Frankie Silver


The Songcatcher


Ghost Riders


The Devil Amongst the Lawyers


The Ballad of Tom Dooley


King's Mountain


Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past


Prayers the Devil Answers


Elizabeth MacPherson

Sick of Shadows


Lovely in Her Bones


Highland Laddie Gone


Paying the Piper


The Windsor Knot


Missing Susan


MacPherson's Lament


If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him...


The PMS Outlaws


Jay Omega

Bimbos of the Death Sun


Zombies of the Gene Pool


St. Dale

St. Dale


Once Around The Track


Faster Pastor

(2009)(With: Adam Edwards)

Standalone Novels

The Unquiet Grave


Short Stories/Novellas

A Wee Doch and Doris


The Luncheon


Remains to Be Seen


Happiness Is a Dead Poet


The Monster of Glarnis


Short Story Collections

Our Separate Days


Foggy Mountain Breakdown and Other Stories


Fairy Tale Princesses of the Civil War


Old Land, Dark Land, Strange Land



Sharyn McCrumb's Appalachia




(2005)(With: Stephen King,Lawrence Block,Anne Perry,Jeffery Deaver,Ed McBain,Donald E Westlake,Bonnie Jeanne Perry,Joyce Carol Oates,Walter Mosley,John Farris)

Transgressions, Vol. 2

(2006)(By: Stephen King,Lawrence Block,Ed McBain,John Farris)

Transgressions, Vol. 3

(2006)(With: Anne Perry,Ed McBain,Donald E Westlake,John Farris)

Transgressions, Vol. 4

(2006)(With: Anne Perry,Ed McBain)


Mistletoe Mysteries


Sisters in Crime 2


Malice Domestic 1


Women of Mystery II


Partners in Crime


The Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories 1995


Great Writers and Kids Write Mystery Stories


Vengeance is Hers


First Cases, Volume 2


Mystery's Most Wanted


AZ Murder Goes... Artful


Once Upon a Crime


Malice Domestic 7


Murder, My Dear Watson


The Dark: New Ghost Stories


The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories 4


The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction


Mr. President, Private Eye


The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories 5


Thou Shalt Not Kill




Transgressions, Vol. 3


Transgressions, Vol. 4


Poe: 19 New Tales of Suspense, Dark Fantasy, and Horror Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe


Blood Lite


The Monster's Corner


27 Views of Asheville: A Southern Mountain Town in Prose & Poetry


Not Everyone's Cup of Tea

