Adele Abbott

Adele Abbott

4 Series

Adele Abbott is renowned for her A Witch P.I. Mystery series. She has also authored the Susan Hall Mystery and Kat Royle series. Her works showcase her versatility and dedication to the mystery genre.

Adele Abbott's Susan Hall series begins with "Whoops! Our New Flatmate Is A Human." The story centers on a shy werewolf, a self-proclaimed ladies' man wizard, and a vampire craving human blood, who unexpectedly find themselves living with a human, Susan. Her presence stirs up considerable drama among the supernatural roommates. Complicating matters, a murder occurs, prompting Susan, an investigative reporter, to delve into the case. The series combines humor and mystery, exploring the challenges of cohabitation between humans and supernatural beings.

Witch P.I. Mystery

Witch Is When It All Began


Witch Is When Life Got Complicated


Witch Is When Everything Went Crazy


Witch Is When Things Fell Apart


Witch is When The Bubble Burst


Witch Is When The Penny Dropped


We Witch You a Merry Christmas


Witch Is When The Floodgates Opened


Witch Is When The Hammer Fell


Witch Is When My Heart Broke


Witch is When I Said Goodbye


Witch Is When Stuff Got Serious


Witch Is When All Was Revealed


Witch Is Why Time Stood Still


Witch Is Why the Laughter Stopped


Witch Is Why Another Door Opened


Witch Is Why Two Became One


Witch Is Why The Moon Disappeared


Witch Is Why The Wolf Howled


Witch Is Why The Music Stopped


Witch Is Why The Owl Returned


Witch Is Why A Pin Dropped


Witch Is Why The Search Began


Witch Is Why Promises Were Broken


Witch Is Why It Was Over


Witch is How Things Had Changed


Witch Is How Berries Tasted Good


Witch Is How The Mirror Lied


Witch is How The Tables Turned


Witch is How The Drought Ended


Witch is How The Dice Fell


Witch Is How The Biscuits Disappeared


Witch Is How Dreams Became Reality


Witch is How Bells Were Saved


Witch Is How To Fool Cats


Witch is How To Lose Big


Witch is How Life Changed Forever


Witch Is Where Magic Lives Now


Witch Is Where Clowns Go To Die


Witch Is Where Squirrels Go Nuts


Witch Is Where Rainbows End


Witch Is Where Unicorns Cry


Witch Is Where The Lights Went Out


Witch Is Where Fairies Wing It


Witch Is Where Roses Bloom Early


Witch Is Where Decisions Are Made


Witch Is Where Gnomes Rule


Witch Is Where Cats Always Win


Witch Is Where Chickens Go To Roost


Witch Is The Nest Now Empty


Witch Is The Hardest Pill To Swallow


Falling For My Boss

The Not-A-Date


Pushing All My Buttons


Susan Hall Mystery

Whoops! Our New Flatmate Is a Human


Whoops! All The Money Went Missing


Whoops! Someone Is On Our Case


Whoops! We're In Big Trouble Now


Kat Royle

Murder On Account

