Bill Crider
16 SeriesBill Crider is an American author known for his Sheriff Dan Rhodes mystery series, as well as other series like Truman Smith. He also wrote western, horror, and children's books. Prior to his writing career, Crider taught English at Howard Payne University and earned a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. He retired in 2003 to focus on writing fiction full-time.
Bill Crider co-authored several series and novels under various pseudonyms and collaborations. With Jack Davis, he wrote "The Coyote Connection" as Nick Carter. "The Blackline County Files" was co-authored with Judy Crier. The Stanley Waters series was written alongside Willard Scott. "The Carnival of Death" was co-authored with Lee Goldberg and William Rabkin, and "M.I.A. Hunter" with Stephen Mertz. Under the pen name Jack MacLane, Crider wrote "Keepers of the Beast," "Goodnight Moom," "Blood Dreams," "Rest in Peace," and "Just Before Dark."