Bradley P Beaulieu

Bradley P Beaulieu

6 Series

Bradley P. Beaulieu is an American fantasy author renowned for his series, The Lays of Anuskaya, which concluded with The Flames of Shadam Khoreh. He subsequently started his next series, The Song of the Shattered Sands.

In Bradley P. Beaulieu's "The Winds of Khalakovo," the first book of The Lays of Anuskaya series, escalating tensions among the Landed, the Aramahn, and the Maharrant threaten the stability of Khalakovo. As the Nine Dukes convene to determine the island's future, an elemental spirit attacks a windship, assassinating the Grand Duke. Prince Nikandr is charged with uncovering the perpetrator, revealed to be a powerfully gifted autistic boy. While the Dukes seek vengeance, Nikandr strives to save the island from further turmoil.

The Book of the Holt

The Dragons of Deepwood Fen


Lays of Anuskaya

The Winds of Khalakovo


The Straits of Galahesh


The Flames of Shadam Khoreh




To the Towers of Tulandan


The Song of the Shattered Sands

Twelve Kings in Sharakhai


Of Sand and Malice Made


With Blood Upon the Sand


In the Village Where Brightwine Flows


The Doors at Dusk and Dawn


The Tattered Prince and the Demon Veiled


A Veil of Spears


Beneath the Twisted Trees


A Wasteland of My God's Own Making


The Flight of the Whisper King


When Jackals Storm the Walls


A Desert Torn Asunder


Short Stories/Novellas



The Burning Light


Short Story Collections

Lest Our Passage Be Forgotten & Other Stories


In the Stars I'll Find You


Future Dreams

(2018)(With: Brian Evenson)


Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show


Beneath Ceaseless Skies #70


Beneath Ceaseless Skies #71


HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY!!! and Other Improbable Crowdfunding Projects


Shattered Prism #2


Unfettered II: New Tales By Masters of Fantasy


Hath No Fury


Future Dreams


Brigands: A Blackguards Anthology


Grimdark Magazine Issue #20


The King Must Fall

