Lis Wiehl

Lis Wiehl

6 Series

Lis Wiehl is an American author known for her mystery novels and non-fiction books, including the Triple Threat series, the East Salem Trilogy, and the Mia Quinn series. She also serves as a legal analyst for Fox News, engaging in weekly debates on feminist issues. Her brother is actor Christopher Wiehl.

Lis Wiehl collaborates with various co-authors across her series and books. The Triple Threat and Mia Quinn series, co-authored with April Henry, focus on suspense and legal thrillers. The East Salem Trilogy, co-authored with Pete Nelson, delves into supernatural themes. Her non-fiction work, The Truth Advantage, co-authored with Bruce Littlefield, explores the importance of honesty. The Newsmakers, co-authored with Sebastian Stuart, provides an insider's look at the world of television news. Each collaboration brings a unique perspective to Wiehl's diverse body of work.

Triple Threat (with April Henry)

Face of Betrayal


Hand of Fate


Heart of Ice


Eyes of Justice


East Salem Trilogy (with Pete Nelson)

Waking Hours

(2011)(By: Pete Nelson)

Darkness Rising

(2012)(By: Pete Nelson)

Fatal Tide

(2013)(By: Pete Nelson)

Mia Quinn

A Matter of Trust


A Deadly Business


Lethal Beauty



The Newsmakers


The Candidate


The Separatists


Standalone Novels




Winning Every Time


The People v. George W. Bush


The 51% Minority


The Truth Advantage: The 7 Keys to a Happy and Fulfilling Life


Hunting Charles Manson

(2018)(With: Caitlin Rother)

A Spy in Plain Sight

