David Thorne

David Thorne

1 Series

David Thorne is an Australian humorist known for his book "The Internet is a Playground," which compiles humorous email exchanges and personal stories. He gained viral fame in 2008 after attempting to pay an overdue bill with a drawing of a seven-legged spider. Thorne has authored several books featuring his unique blend of humor and narrative.

David Thorne's "Walk It Off, Princess" is a humorous collection of stories that highlight life's absurdities. This book not only showcases Thorne's keen eye for humor but also emphasizes the importance of appreciating life's joys and the people we love. Thorne's vulnerability adds depth, making this one of his standout collections.

Standalone Novels

I'll Go Home Then, It's Warm and Has Chairs. The Unpublished Emails.


The Internet is a Playground


Look Evelyn Duck Dynasty Wiper Blades. We Should Get Them


That's Not How You Wash a Squirrel


Wrap It In A Bit of Cheese Like You're Tricking The Dog


The Collected Works of 27B/6


Walk It Off, Princess


The Ducks in the Bathroom Are Not Mine


I Wont Be Coming Into Work Today Because You're All Dickheads


Burning Bridges to Light the Way


How to Talk to Girls and Lizards


Yesterday's Words at Tomorrow's Prices


Just Because It Happened To You Doesn't Make It Interesting

