Henry James

Henry James

7 Series

Henry James (1843-1916) was an American-British author renowned for his literary fiction, which often explored themes of American expatriates in Europe and the dynamics of personal relationships. His innovative use of point of view, interior monologue, and unreliable narrators added depth to realistic fiction and anticipated modernist literature. James was a prolific writer, producing numerous novels, stories, articles, and plays, some of which were successfully performed during his lifetime.

In "The Europeans" by Henry James, Baroness Eugenia Munster and her brother Felix visit their American cousins in Boston. Their extravagant European ways clash with the austere Puritan lifestyle of their relatives. The novel explores the impact of Eugenia and Felix on their family through a series of sketches. This cultural collision forms the core of the narrative, highlighting themes of tradition versus modernity.

Standalone Novels

Watch and Ward


Roderick Hudson


The American


The Europeans


Washington Square




The Portrait of a Lady


The Bostonians


The Princess Casamassima


The Reverberator


The Tragic Muse


The Spoils of Poynton


The Other House


What Maisie Knew


The Awkward Age


The Sacred Fount


The Wings of the Dove


The Ambassadors


The Golden Bowl


The Outcry


The Ivory Tower


The Sense of the Past


Short Stories/Novellas

My Friend Bingham


The Romance of Certain Old Clothes


The Story of a Masterpiece


A Passionate Pilgrim


At Isella


The Sweetheart of M. Briseux


The Madonna of the Future


Madame de Mauves


The Last of the Valerii




Osborne's Revenge


Professor Fargo


Eugene Pickering




Crawfords Consistency


An International Episode


Four Meetings


Daisy Miller


Longstaff's Marriage


The Diary of a Man of Fifty


The Pension Beaurepas


A Bundle of Letters


The Point of View




Georgina's Reasons


The Path of Duty


The Author of Beltraffio


The Lesson of the Master


The Patagonia


The Aspern Papers


The Pupil


Sir Edmund Orme


The Real Thing


Greville Fane


Owen Wingrave


Sir Dominick Ferrand


The Private Life


The Death of the Lion


The Coxon Fund


The Altar of the Dead


The Figure in the Carpet


John Delavoy


In the Cage


The Turn of the Screw


The Great Condition






The Great Good Place


The Third Person


The Tone of Time


Broken Wings


The Beldonald Holbein


Mrs. Medwin


The Beast in the Jungle


The Birthplace


The Marriages


The Jolly Corner


The Bench of Desolation


Crapy Cornelia


The Velvet Glove


A Modern Warning / The Two Countries


Short Story Collections

Selected Tales


Complete Stories, 1864–1874


Complete Stories, 1874–1884


Complete Stories, 1884–1891


Ghost Stories of Henry James


Complete Stories, 1892–1898


The Finer Grain


Complete Stories, 1898–1910


Selected Poems of Henry James



Pyramus and Thisbe


Publication Order of' Memoirs Non-Fiction

A Small Boy and Others


Notes of a Son and Brother


The Middle Years



The Novels of George Eliot


How to Play Golf


The Guest's Confession


The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1855–1872: Volume 1


Parisian Sketches: Letters to the New York Tribune, 1875-1876


The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872–1876: Volume 2


The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872–1876: Volume 3


The Suburbs of London




French Poets and Novelists


The Letters of Henry James, Volume II


A Little Tour in France


Partial Portraits




The Painter's Eye


The Better Sort


English Hours


Traveling in Italy with Henry James


Italian Hours


The Art of the Novel


Letters to Isabella Stewart Gardner


Notes on Novelists with Some Other Notes by Henry James


The Correspondence of Henry James and Henry Adams, 1877-1914


Selected Letters of Henry James to Edmund Gosse, 1882 1915


Henry James on Culture


Letters to A.C. Benson and Auguste Monod


William and Henry James: Selected Letters


Selected Literary Criticism


Collected Travel Writings


The American Scene


On Provence


Within the Rim and Other Essays



The Whole Family


In After Days: Thoughts On The Future Life


50 Great Short Stories


Short Story Masterpieces: 35 Classic American and British Stories from the First Half of the 20th Century


Points of View


50 Great American Short Stories


The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories


Magical Realist Fiction


The Oxford Book of American Short Stories


Writing New York


H. P. Lovecraft's Book of the Supernatural


50 Classic Novellas


The Phantom Coach


The Best Short Stories Volume III: Chosen in 1914 by the Most Prominent Authors of the Day


That Glimpse of Truth


Writers: Their Lives and Works


30 Occult & Supernatural Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die


Terrifying Ghosts Short Stories


Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages

