John Joseph Adams

John Joseph Adams

4 Series

John Joseph Adams is a USA Today bestselling editor known for his work in science fiction and fantasy anthologies. He is the editor of John Joseph Adams Books, an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and also edits the magazines Nightmare and Lightspeed. Additionally, he produces the podcast The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy for WIRED.

John Joseph Adams has co-edited several anthologies, each with a unique focus. The Apocalypse Triptych series, co-edited with Hugh Howey, explores apocalyptic scenarios. Oz Reimagined, co-edited with Douglas Cohen, offers fresh takes on the classic Oz tales. Robot Uprisings and Press Start to Play, both co-edited with Daniel H. Wilson, delve into themes of technology and gaming. The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy series for 2015, 2016, and 2017 were co-edited with Joe Hill, Karen Joy Fowler, and Charles Yu, respectively, showcasing top speculative fiction.



(2007)(By: Jerry Oltion)

Wastelands 2


Wastelands: The New Apocalypse

(2019)(By: Nisi Shawl)


Harbinger of Destruction


The Living Dead (with Kater Cheek)

The Living Dead 2

(2010)(By: Paul McAuley)


Lightspeed Magazine, April 2011


The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse


The Living Dead






Brave New Worlds


The Living Dead 2


The Way of the Wizard


Lightspeed Magazine, June 2011


Fantasy Magazine, July 2011


Lightspeed: Year One


Under the Moons of Mars




Lightspeed Magazine, April 2012


Other Worlds Than These


Lightspeed Magazine, January 2015


Lightspeed Magazine, October 2012


Lightspeed Magazine, November 2012


Lightspeed Magazine, December 2012


The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 35, April 2013


Oz Reimagined


Nightmare Magazine 13: October 2013


The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy #82-84


Nightmare Magazine, January 2014


Lightspeed Magazine, February 2014


The End is Nigh


Nightmare Magazine 19: April 2014


Robot Uprisings


Dead Man's Hand


Lightspeed Magazine, July 2014


The End is Now


Lightspeed Magazine, October 2014


Lightspeed Magazine, December 2014


Wastelands - Stories of the Apocalypse


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 57, February 2015


Operation Arcana


The End Has Come


Lightspeed Magazine, July 2015


Press Start to Play


Loosed Upon the World


Lightspeed Magazine, October 2015


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015


Lightspeed Magazine, December 2015


Lightspeed Magazine, May 2016


People of Color Destroy Science Fiction!


Lightspeed Magazine, July 2016


Nightmare Magazine 48: September 2016


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016


What the #@&% Is That?


Lightspeed Magazine, February 2017


Nightmare Magazine 60: September 2017


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 77


Nightmare Magazine 67: April 2018


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 73


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 74


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 75


Futures & Fantasies


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 105, February 2019


A People's Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 107, April 2019


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 80


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 83


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2019


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 86


Ignorance Is Strength


Burn the Ashes


Or Else the Light


Nightmare Magazine, Issue 98


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020


One Stormy Night


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 143, April 2022


Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, Volume 2


The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2022


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 153, February 2023


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 155, April 2023


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 161


Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror


KOBOLD Guide to Roleplaying


Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 169




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