John Updike

John Updike

16 Series

John Updike (1932-2009) was an American novelist, poet, short story writer, and essayist, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning "Rabbit" series, which includes novels such as Rabbit, Run and Rabbit is Rich. He began his career at The New Yorker and published over twenty novels, along with numerous short story and poetry collections. Updike was also renowned as a leading American literature and art critic of his time.

John Updike co-edited "The Best American Short Stories 1984" with Shannon Ravenel. He also co-edited "The Best American Short Stories of the Century" with Katrina Kenison. Both anthologies feature a selection of the finest short stories from their respective time periods.

Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom

Rabbit, Run


Rabbit Redux


Rabbit Is Rich


Rabbit at Rest


Licks of Love


Henry Bech (with)

Bech: A Book


Bech Is Back


Bech at Bay



Buchanan Dying


Memories of the Ford Administration


Scarlet Letter Trilogy

A Month of Sundays


Roger's Version




Maples Stories Collections

Too Far to Go


The Maples Stories



The Witches of Eastwick


The Widows of Eastwick


Standalone Novels

The Poorhouse Fair


The Centaur


Of the Farm




Marry Me


The Coup


Your Lover Just Called


More Stately Mansions




In the Beauty of the Lilies


Toward the End of Time


Gertrude and Claudius


Seek My Face






The Women Who Got Away


Short Stories



The Alligators


Short Story Collections

The Same Door, Short Stories


Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories


Telephone Poles and Other Poems


Olinger Stories


The Music School


Midpoint and Other Poems


The Dance of the Solids


Museums and Women and Other Stories


Cunts- Signed Limited Edition


Tossing and Turning


Problems and Other Stories


Valentine Generation And Other Stories


The Carpentered Hen


Facing Nature


Trust Me


The Afterlife and Other Stories


Friends from Philadelphia and Other Stories


Licks of Love




The Early Stories


Three Trips


My Father's Tears and Other Stories


Endpoint and Other Poems


Rich In Russia


Collected Later Stories


Collected Early Stories


Hoping for a Hoopoe



Magic Flute


The Twelve Terrors of Christmas

(1994)(With: Edward Gorey)


Assorted Prose


Picked-Up Pieces


Hugging the Shore




Just Looking


Odd Jobs


Golf Dreams


More Matter


Still Looking


Due Considerations


Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu


Higher Gossip


Always Looking


In Love with a Wanton


American Poets Project

Walt Whitman

(1892)(By: Walt Whitman)

Edgar Allan Poe

(1909)(By: Richard Wilbur)

Theodore Roethke

(1969)(By: )

A. R. Ammons

(1977)(By: David Lehman,A.R. Ammons)

William Carlos Williams

(1984)(By: William Carlos Williams)

Edna St. Vincent Millay

(1991)(By: Edna St. Vincent Millay)

Carl Sandburg: Selected Poems

(1996)(By: Carl Sandburg)

Yvor Winters

(1999)(By: Thom Gunn,Yvor Winters)

Karl Shapiro

(2003)(With: Karl Shapiro)

Poets of World War II

(2003)(By: Various,Harvey Shapiro)

American Wits

(2003)(By: John Hollander)

John Greenleaf Whittier

(2004)(By: John Greenleaf Whittier)

Kenneth Fearing

(2004)(By: Robert Polito,Kenneth Fearing)

Muriel Rukeyser

(2004)(By: Muriel Rukeyser)

John Berryman

(2004)(By: Kevin Young,John Berryman)

Poets of the Civil War

(2005)(By: )

Emma Lazarus

(2005)(By: Emma Lazarus)

Edith Wharton

(2005)(By: Edith Wharton)

The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks

(2005)(By: Gwendolyn Brooks,Elizabeth Alexander)

Cole Porter

(2006)(By: Robert Kimball,Cole Porter)

Louis Zukofsky

(2006)(By: Louis Zukofsky,Charles Bernstein)

Kenneth Koch

(2007)(By: Ron Padgett,Kenneth Koch)

American Sonnets

(2007)(By: David Bromwich)

James Agee

(2008)(By: James Agee,Andrew Hudgins)

Poems from the Women's Movement

(2009)(By: Honor Moore)

Ira Gershwin

(2009)(By: Robert Kimball,Ira Gershwin)

Lyrics of the First Great Popular Songs

(2010)(By: Stephen Collins Foster,Ken Emerson)

Countee Cullen

(2010)(By: Major Jackson,Countee Cullen)

Amy Lowell

(2012)(By: Honor Moore)

Poetry Collections

Seventy Poems


Collected Poems, 1953-1993


A Helpful Alphabet of Friendly Objects


Selected Poems


Edward Gorey Picture (with Edward Gorey)

The Doubtful Guest

(1957)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Object-Lesson

(1958)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Fatal Lozenge

(1961)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Sinking Spell

(1964)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Remembered Visit

(1965)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Utter Zoo

(1967)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Blue Aspic

(1968)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Other Statue

(1968)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Osbick Bird

(1970)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Sopping Thursday

(1971)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Eleventh Episode

(1971)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Lost Lions

(1973)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Glorious Nosebleed

(1974)(By: Edward Gorey)

The Twelve Terrors of Christmas


The Beastly Baby

(1995)(By: Edward Gorey)

Thoughtful Alphabets

(2012)(By: Edward Gorey)

A Halloween Treat

(2012)(By: Edward Gorey)

Contemporary Literature and the Life of Faith

Listening for God Reader, Vol. 1

(1994)(By: Flannery O'Connor,Raymond Carver,Alice Walker,Garrison Keillor,Annie Dillard,Richard Rodríguez,Patricia Hampl,Peter Hawkins,Frederick Buechner,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins)

Listening for God, Vol. 2

(1996)(With: Anne Tyler,Tobias Wolff,Gail Godwin,Henry Louis Gates Jr.,Kathleen Norris,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins,Carol Bly,Andrew Dubus)

Listening for God, Vol. 3

(2000)(By: Tillie Olsen,Wendell Berry,John Cheever,Louise Erdrich,Mary Gordon,Tess Gallagher,Reynolds Price,Oscar Hijuelos,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins)

Listening For God, Vol. 4

(2002)(By: Robert Olen Butler,Allegra Goodman,James Baldwin,Kent Haruf,SueMiller,Doris Betts,Paula J. Carlson,Peter S. Hawkins,MichaelMalone,Alice Elliot Dark)


Points of View


50 Great American Short Stories


Ten Modern American Short Stories


Prize Stories 1970: The O. Henry Awards


The Best American Short Stories 1984


Great Baseball Stories


The Best American Short Stories 1991


The Oxford Book of American Short Stories


The Short Story: 30 Masterpieces


The Literary Traveller


First Fiction: An Anthology of the First Published Stories by Famous Writers


Deadly Sins


Listening for God, Vol. 2


Our Mothers' Spirits: Great Writers on the Death of Mothers and the Grief of Men


The Best American Mystery Stories 1999


Wonderful Town


The Best American Short Stories of the Century


40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology


Writers on Writing


The Best American Short Stories 2001


Baseball: a Literary Anthology


Classic Erotic Tales


Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania


The Best American Erotica 2006


The New Granta Book of the American Short Story


FIRST WORDS: Earliest Writing from Favorite Contemporary Authors


My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me


Writers: Their Lives and Works


Reel Verse: Poems about the Movies

