Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson

11 Series

Kim Stanley Robinson is an American author renowned for his science fiction and alternate history novels, including the Three Californias, Mars, and Capital Code trilogies. He holds a B.A. in literature and an M.A. in English from the University of California, San Diego, and Boston University, respectively, and a Ph.D. from UC San Diego. His works often explore themes of ecology and capitalism, reflecting an anti-capitalist perspective.

Kim Stanley Robinson co-authored "Green Planets" with Gerry Canavan. "I'm with the Bears: Short Stories from a Damaged Planet" features contributions from acclaimed authors including Margaret Atwood, Paolo Bacigalupi, and David Mitchell. This anthology explores the impact of environmental damage through a collection of compelling short stories. Each narrative offers unique perspectives on humanity's relationship with a rapidly changing planet.

Three Californias Triptych

The Wild Shore


The Gold Coast


Pacific Edge


Mars Trilogy

Red Mars


Green Mars


Blue Mars


Mars Collections

The Martians


Capital Code/Science In The Capital

Forty Signs of Rain


Fifty Degrees Below


Sixty Days and Counting


Green Earth


Standalone Novels



The Memory of Whiteness


The Blind Geometer


A Short, Sharp Shock




The Years of Rice and Salt


Galileo's Dream








Oral Argument


Drowned Worlds


New York 2140


Red Moon


The Ministry for the Future


Short Story Collections

The Planet on the Table


Escape From Kathmandu


Remaking History and Other Stories


Down and Out in the Year 2000


The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson


Vinland the Dream and Other Stories


Stan's Kitchen



The Novels of Philip K. Dick


Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction


The High Sierra


Short Stories/Novellas

Black Air


Green Mars (novella; in Asimov's)


Mother Goddess of the World (in Asimov's)



Universe 1

(1971)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 2

(1972)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 3

(1973)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 4

(1974)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 5

(1974)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 6

(1976)(By: John Shirley,Terry Carr)

Universe 7

(1977)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 8

(1978)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 9

(1979)(By: John Shirley,Terry Carr)

Universe 10

(1980)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 11

(1981)(With: William Gibson,Michael Swanwick,Carter Scholz,Michael Bishop,Ian Watson,Nancy Kress,Carol Emshwiller,Josephine Saxton,Terry Carr)

Universe 12

(1982)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 13

(1983)(With: Lucius Shepard,Michael Bishop,Ian Watson,Terry Carr,Bruce Sterling,Leanne Frahm,Bill Bickel)

Universe 14

(1984)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 15

(1985)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 16

(1986)(By: Terry Carr)

Universe 17

(1987)(By: Terry Carr)

Outspoken Authors

The Human Front

(2001)(By: Ken MacLeod)

The Left Left Behind

(2009)(By: Terry Bisson,Eleanor Arnason)

Lucky Strike


The Underbelly

(2010)(By: Gary Phillips,Eleanor Arnason)

Mammoths of the Great Plains

(2010)(By: Eleanor Arnason)

The Wild Girls

(2011)(By: Ursula K. Le Guin,Eleanor Arnason)

Modem Times 2.0

(2011)(By: Michael Moorcock,Eleanor Arnason)

The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

(2011)(By: Cory Doctorow,Eleanor Arnason)

Report from Planet Midnight

(2012)(By: Nalo Hopkinson,Eleanor Arnason)

The Science of Herself

(2013)(By: Karen Joy Fowler,Eleanor Arnason)

Patty Hearst & The Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials

(2013)(By: Eleanor Arnason,Paul Krassner)

New Taboos

(2013)(By: John Shirley)

Raising Hell

(2014)(By: Norman Spinrad,Eleanor Arnason)

My Life, My Body

(2015)(By: Marge Piercy)


(2015)(By: Carter Scholz,Eleanor Arnason)

Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be

(2016)(By: Joe R. Lansdale,Eleanor Arnason)


(2017)(By: Elizabeth Hand,Eleanor Arnason)


(2017)(By: John Crowley)

The Atheist in the Attic

(2018)(By: Samuel R. Delany,Eleanor Arnason)

Thoreau's Microscope

(2018)(By: Michael Blumlein,Eleanor Arnason)

The Beatrix Gates

(2019)(By: Rachel Pollack)

A City Made of Words

(2019)(By: Paul Park)


Universe 11


Nebula Awards 16


Universe 13


Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1986


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1987


The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1990


Isaac Asimov's Mars


Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1991


Isaac Asimov's Earth


Under African Skies


Future Primitive


Isaac Asimov's Moons


Asimov's Science Fiction, June 1999




Year's Best SF 5


Nebula Awards 36 (2002)


The Mammoth Book Of Science Fiction


New Skies: An Anthology of Today's Science Fiction


The Hard SF Renaissance


Future Crimes


Future Washington


I'm With the Bears


Lightspeed Magazine, April 2012


Field of Fantasies


Loosed Upon the World


Some of the Best from, 2015 edition


Nebula Awards 53 (2019)


Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination


Democracy in a Hotter Time

