Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder

9 Series

Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) was an American author known for the Little House series, a collection of children's novels based on her experiences growing up in a pioneer family. Before her success as a novelist, she worked as a teacher and on a farm. The series was notably adapted into a television show that aired from 1974 to 1983, followed by movie sequels.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, encouraged by her daughter Rose, began the Little House series with "Little House in the Big Woods" in 1931, published in 1932. The series' most renowned book, "Little House on the Prairie," followed in 1935. Debate persists over Rose's role, questioning whether she was a ghostwriter or merely an encourager. The series chronicles the Ingalls family's pioneering life, capturing their struggles and triumphs on the American frontier. A list of Wilder's books is provided in both publication and chronological order.

Little House On The Prairie

Little House in the Big Woods


Farmer Boy


Little House on the Prairie


On the Banks of Plum Creek


By the Shores of Silver Lake


The Long Winter


Little Town on the Prairie


These Happy Golden Years


The First Four Years


Chronological Order of Little House On The Prairie

Little House in the Big Woods


Little House on the Prairie


Farmer Boy


On the Banks of Plum Creek


By the Shores of Silver Lake


The Long Winter


Little Town on the Prairie


These Happy Golden Years


The First Four Years


Little House Chapter: Laura

The Adventures of Laura and Jack


Pioneer Sisters


Animal Adventures


School Days


Laura & Nellie


Farmer Boy Days


Little House Farm Days


Hard Times on the Prairie


Little House Friends


Christmas Stories


Laura's Ma


Laura's Pa


Laura & Mr. Edwards


Little House Parties


My First Little House Picture

My First Little House Collections of Winter Tales


Dance at Grandpa's


Winter Days in the Big Woods


Going to Town


My Little House Diary


The Deer in the Wood


My Little House Songbook


Happy Birthday, Laura


Going West


Laura's Garden


My Little House Cookbook


Laura Helps Pa


Summertime in the Big Woods


Hello, Laura


Winter on the Farm


My Little House Birthday Book


My Little House 123


My Little House ABC


Prairie Day


A Little House Birthday


County Fair


A Little Prairie House


Sugar Snow


Laura's Christmas


Laura's Little House

(1998)(With: Doris Ettlinger)

Book of Animal Friends


Short Story Collections

A Laura Ingalls Wilder Reader



On the Way Home


Dear Laura




Laura's Album


Pioneer Girl


The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder


The Little House Book of Wisdom


Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder (with Stephen W. Hines)

Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder: On Wisdom And Virtues

(2006)(With: Stephen W. Hines)

Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder: On Life As a Pioneer Women

(2006)(With: Stephen W. Hines)

Writings to Young Women on Laura Ingalls Wilder

(2006)(With: Stephen W. Hines)

Little House Chapter: Caroline (with Roger Lea MacBride, Melissa Peterson)

School Days

(1997)(By: Melissa Peterson)

Hard Times on the Prairie


Brookfield Days

(1999)(By: Roger Lea MacBride)

Caroline and Her Sister

(2000)(By: Roger Lea MacBride)

Brookfield Friends

(2000)(By: Roger Lea MacBride)

Frontier Family

(2000)(By: Roger Lea MacBride)

A New Little Cabin

(2001)(By: Roger Lea MacBride)


The Driftless Reader

