Leah Thomas

Leah Thomas

3 Series

Leah Thomas is an American author. Her debut novel, "Because You'll Never Meet Me," was a finalist for the William C. Morris YA Debut Award.

In Leah Thomas's "Wild and Crooked," set in Samsboro, Kentucky, Kalyn Spence struggles to escape the shadow of her father's teenage murder. Forced to attend school under a pseudonym, she faces the town's lingering resentment. Kalyn forms a bond with Gus, a boy known primarily for his disability and his father's murder. As their friendship deepens, their intertwined pasts surface, compelling them to confront and overcome their family legacies. Together, they strive to forge their own paths forward.

Because You'll Never Meet Me

Because You'll Never Meet Me


Nowhere Near You


Standalone Novels

When Light Left Us


Wild and Crooked


Violet Ghosts



Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction

