Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy

8 Series

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a renowned Russian author celebrated for his realist novels, War and Peace and Anna Karenina. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest novelists in history.

Leo Tolstoy debuted as an author in 1852 with the autobiographical novel "Childhood" and the short story "The Raid." His subsequent works include "Boyhood" (1854), which continues the autobiographical narrative, and "Youth" (1857), completing the trilogy. "War and Peace" (1869) intricately weaves the lives of five aristocratic families against the backdrop of the 1812 French invasion of Russia. "Anna Karenina" (1878) explores the tragic consequences of an adulterous affair within Russian high society. Tolstoy's final major work, "Resurrection" (1899), follows a nobleman's moral and spiritual redemption as he seeks to atone for his past wrongs. These novels showcase Tolstoy's profound insight into human nature and societal issues.

Autobiographical Novels







Standalone Novels

War and Peace


Anna Karenina


The Resurrection


The Decembrists


Short Stories/Novellas

The Raid


Two Hussars




Family Happiness


The Cossacks


God Sees the Truth, but Waits


A Prisoner in the Caucasus


The Death of Ivan Ilych




The Kreutzer Sonata


Walk in the Light While There is Light


Master and Man


The Devil


Father Sergius


The Forged Coupon


Hadji Murat


Polikushka and Two Hussars


Divine and Human and Other Stories


A Lost Opportunity


The Long Exile and Other Stories


An Old Acquaintance


Diary of a Lunatic/Three Deaths


Work, Death, and Sickness


Leo Tolstoy Fables

What Men Live by and Other Tales


How Much Land Does a Man Need? and Other Stories


Ivan the Fool


The Candle


The Godson


The Wisdom of Children


Two Old Men


Esarhaddon, And Other Tales


Where Love is There God is Also


Standalone Plays

The Power of Darkness


The Light That Shines in the Darkness


The Man Who Was Dead and the Cause of It All


The Living Corpse


The Fruits of Enlightenment



What Then Must We Do?


A Confession


The Gospel in Brief


What I Believe


On Life and Essays on Religion


The First Step: on vegetarianism


The Kingdom of God Is Within You


Bethink Yourselves!


A Calendar of Wisdom


Tolstoy on Shakespeare


The Law of Love and the Law of Violence


The Slavery of Our Times


Guy De Maupassant


Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves?


Christianity and Patriotism


What Is to Be Done? and Life


Church and State and Other Essays


The Christian Teaching


The Four Gospels Harmonized and Translated by Leo Tolstoy


Religion and Morality


What is Art?


Short Story Collections

The Sebastopol Sketches


Twenty-three Tales

(1907)(With: Louise Maude,Aylmer Maude,Lev Tolstoy)


War: An Anthology


Magical Realist Fiction


Famous and Curious Animal Stories


Horse & Pony Stories


On Suicide: Great Writers on the Ultimate Question


50 Classic Novellas


Selected Stories by Leo Tolstoy


Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell


Writers: Their Lives and Works


Following the Call: Living the Sermon on the Mount Together


Best Russian Short Stories


Great Russian Short Stories


The Greatest Tales of Regency Romance


The Dover Anthology of Classic Christmas Stories

