Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett

19 Series

Terry Pratchett was an English author renowned for his Discworld series, a collection of over 40 comic fantasy novels. His work has been widely acclaimed, selling millions of copies worldwide. Pratchett's unique blend of humor and satire has left a lasting impact on the fantasy genre.

Terry Pratchett collaborated with various authors on several works. The Science of Discworld series was co-authored with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. Good Omens was a joint effort with Neil Gaiman. The Long Earth series and the non-fiction book Lu-Tze's Yearbook of Enlightenment were co-written with Stephen Baxter. Imagined Lives features contributions from notable authors including John Banville and Tracy Chevalier.


The Colour of Magic


The Light Fantastic


Equal Rites






Wyrd Sisters




Guards! Guards!




Moving Pictures


Reaper Man


Witches Abroad


Troll Bridge


Small Gods


Lords and Ladies


Men at Arms


Soul Music


Interesting Times




Feet of Clay






The Sea and Little Fishes


The Last Continent


Carpe Jugulum


The Fifth Elephant


The Truth


Thief of Time


The Last Hero


The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents


Death and What Comes Next


Night Watch


The Wee Free Men


Monstrous Regiment


A Hat Full of Sky


Going Postal




A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices




Making Money


Unseen Academicals


I Shall Wear Midnight




Raising Steam


The Shepherd's Crown


Science Of Discworld (with Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen)

The Science of Discworld


The Science of Discworld II: The Globe


The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch


The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day


Discworld Companion (with Stephen Briggs)

The Streets of Ankh Morpork


The Discworld Companion


The Discworld Mapp


The Pratchett Portfolio


Discworld's Diary Unseen University Diary 1998


Discworld's Ankh-Morpork City Watch Diary


A Tourist Guide to Lancre

(1998)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Discworld Assassins' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2000


Nanny Ogg's Cookbook

(1999)(With: Stephen Briggs,Tina Hannan)

Death's Domain


Discworld Fools' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2001


GURPS Discworld Also

(2000)(With: Phil Masters)

Discworld Thieves' Guild Yearbook & Diary 2002


Discworld (Reformed) Vampyre's Diary 2003


The New Discworld Companion


The Art of Discworld


The Discworld Almanac for the Common Year 2005


The Ankh-Morpork Post Office Handbook: Discworld Diary 2007

(2006)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Unseen University Cut-Out Book


Lu-Tze's Yearbook of Enlightenment

(2007)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld


The Folklore of Discworld

(2008)(With: Jacqueline Simpson)

The Illustrated Eric


The Compleat Ankh-Morpork: City Guide


Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion...So Far

(2012)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Discworld Diary: We r Igors 2015: First and Last Aid


Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway


Discworld 2016 Diary: A Practical Manual for the Modern Witch


The Compleat Discworld Atlas


Terry Pratchett's Discworld Colouring Book


Discworld Diary 2017


Terry Pratchett's Discworld Diary 2019


Death and Friends: A Discworld Journal


The Ankh-Morpork City Watch Discworld Journal

(2020)(With: The Discworld Emporium)

The Ultimate Discworld Companion

(2021)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Discworld Graphic Novels

The Colour of Magic


Mort Big Comic


The Light Fantastic


Small Gods


Discworld Plays (with Stephen Briggs)

Mort: The Play

(1996)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

(2003)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Going Postal

(2005)(With: Stephen Briggs)


(2005)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Monstrous Regiment

(2005)(With: Stephen Briggs)


(2007)(With: Vadim Jean)

The Colour of Magic

(2009)(With: Vadim Jean)

Carpe Jugulum

(2010)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Guards! Guards!

(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Interesting Times

(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Men at Arms

(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)


(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Wyrd Sisters

(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Lords and Ladies

(2011)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Truth

(2014)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Making Money

(2015)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Rince Cycle

(2015)(With: Stephen Briggs)

All the Discworld's a Stage

(2015)(With: Stephen Briggs)


(2015)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Discworld Picture

Where's My Cow?


The World of Poo


Bromeliad Trilogy







Children's Circle Stories

Dragons at Crumbling Castle


The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner and Other Stories


Father Christmas’s Fake Beard


The Time-Travelling Caveman





Dodger's Guide to London: Based on Original Notes Penned by Jack Dodger Himself


Johnny Maxwell

Only You Can Save Mankind


Johnny and the Dead


Johnny and the Bomb


Long Earth (with Stephen Baxter)

The Long Earth


The Long War


The Long Mars


The Long Utopia


The Long Cosmos


Standalone Novels

The Carpet People


The Dark Side of The Sun




Good Omens

(1990)(With: Neil Gaiman)



Short Stories/Novellas



Theatre of Cruelty


The Abominable Snowman


Shaking Hands with Death


Short Story Collections

Once More* with Footnotes


A Blink of the Screen: Collected Shorter Fiction


Dragons at Crumbling Castle and Other Tales


Seriously Funny


The Ankh-Morpork Archives, Vol. 1

(2019)(With: Stephen Briggs)

The Ankh-Morpork Archives, Vol. 2

(2020)(With: Stephen Briggs)

A Stroke of the Pen



Johnny and the Dead: The Play

(1996)(With: Stephen Briggs)


(2008)(With: Mark Ravenhill)

Johnny and the Bomb

(2012)(With: Matthew Holmes)


The Unadulterated Cat


A Slip of the Keyboard




(1642)(By: Adrian Flynn)

The Valley of Fear

(1915)(By: Adrian Flynn)

All My Sons

(1947)(By: Arthur Miller)

Death of a Salesman

(1949)(By: Arthur Miller)

The Crucible

(1953)(By: Arthur Miller)

A View from the Bridge

(1955)(By: Arthur Miller)

Brother in the Land

(1984)(By: Robert Swindells)

Across the Barricades

(1990)(By: Joan Lingard)

A Question of Courage

(1990)(By: Marjorie Darke)

Paper Tigers

(1991)(By: Steve Skidmore,Steve Barlow)

The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler

(1991)(By: Gene Kemp)

Hot Cakes

(1992)(By: Adrian Flynn)

Burston School Strike

(1992)(By: Roy Nevitt)

A Tale of Two Cities

(1996)(By: Steve Skidmore)

Jane Eyre

(1998)(By: Steve Skidmore,Steve Barlow)

The Labyrinth: Play

(2000)(By: David Calcutt)

Working Parts

(2000)(By: Nick Jones)


(2003)(By: David Calcutt)

The Canterbury Tales

(2003)(By: Martin Riley)

The Deamon Headmaster

(2003)(By: Nick Stafford)

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

(2003)(With: Stephen Briggs)

Johnny and the Dead



(2003)(By: Philip Pullman)

Lady Macbeth

(2005)(By: David Calcutt)

The Snake-Stone

(2005)(By: Berlie Doherty)

Doctor Faustus

(2006)(By: Geraldine McCaughrean)

Troy 24

(2007)(By: David Calcutt)

The White Rose and the Swatiska

(2007)(By: Adrian Flynn)


(2007)(By: David Calcutt)

The Three Musketeers

(2008)(By: Ken Ludwig)

Cry, the Beloved Country

(2008)(By: Roy Sargeant)

Bog Child

(2008)(By: Siobhan Dowd)

Solace of the Road

(2009)(By: Siobhan Dowd)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

(2011)(By: Adrian Flynn)

King of Shadows

(2011)(By: Susan Cooper)

The Invisible Man

(2012)(By: Adrian Flynn)

The Garbage King

(2013)(By: Oladipo Agboluaje)

The Devil Walks

(2013)(By: Anne Fine)

A Christmas Carol

(2013)(By: Conor McReynolds,Richard Kidd)

Our Day Out

(2014)(By: Willy Russell)

Blood Brothers

(2014)(By: Willy Russell)

Flesh and Blood

(2014)(By: Benjamin Hulme-Cross)


(2014)(By: Stephen Briggs)

The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty

(2014)(By: David Calcutt)

Stone Cold

(2014)(By: Robert Swindells)


(2014)(By: David Calcutt)

Homer's Odyssey

(2014)(By: David Calcutt)

Arson About

(2014)(By: Mark Wheeller)

Treasure Island

(2014)(By: David Calcutt)

Unman Wittering and Zigo

(2014)(By: Giles Cooper)

The Diary of Anne Frank

(2014)(By: Frances Goodrich,Albert Hackett)

The Hound of the Baskervill

(2014)(By: John O'Connor)

Sherlock Holmes and the Limehouse Horror

(2014)(By: Philip Pullman)

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

(2016)(By: David Calcutt)


(2016)(By: G.R. Gemin)

The Brotherhood of Smoke

(2017)(By: Adrian Flynn)



(1998)(By: Stephen King,Anne McCaffrey,Robert Silverberg)

Legends II: Dragon, Sword, and King

(1998)(By: Diana Gabaldon,George R.R. Martin,Orson Scott Card,Terry Brooks,Robert Silverberg,Neil Gaiman,Elizabeth Haydon)

Legends 3

(1999)(With: Tad Williams,Robert Jordan,Robert Silverberg,Ursula K. Le Guin)


Gaslight & Ghosts


The Drabble Project


Hidden Turnings


Now We Are Sick


After the King


Meditations on Middle-Earth


The Writer's Guide to Fantasy Literature


Imagined Lives

