William Gibson
16 SeriesWilliam Gibson, an American-Canadian author, is renowned for his speculative fiction, particularly in the cyberpunk and steampunk genres. He coined the term "cyberspace" in his 1982 short story "Burning Chrome" and further popularized it in his debut novel, "Neuromancer." Despite his focus on technology in his work, Gibson is more interested in human behavior around computers than the technology itself.
Author: William Gibson and Bruce Sterling In an alternate 19th-century London, Charles Babbage's successful invention of the Difference Engine ushers in an era of steam-powered computing. The novel follows a diverse cast of characters, including a political radical and a paleontologist, as they navigate a society transformed by technology. They become entangled in a conspiracy involving a set of highly valuable punch cards that could alter the course of history. As the protagonists uncover the cards' significance, they face dangers from various factions seeking to control the future.