Madeleine L’Engle

Madeleine L’Engle

16 Series

Madeleine L’Engle (1918-2007) was an American author known for her young adult fiction, including the Time Quintet and Austin Family series. Her most famous work, A Wrinkle in Time, won the Newbery Award. L’Engle began writing at age eight and continued despite early career financial struggles.

Madeleine L’Engle's "Camilla Dickinson," also known as "Camilla," explores the emotional journey of its titular character. "WinterSong" and "Friends for the Journey," co-authored with Luci Shaw, delve into themes of companionship and resilience. In collaboration with Avery Brooke, "Trailing Clouds of Glory" examines profound life experiences. "Mothers & Sons" and "Mothers & Daughters," written with Maria Rooney, focus on familial relationships. Lastly, "Glimpses of Grace" and "Madeleine L'Engle Herself," co-authored by Carole F. Chase, offer insights into L’Engle’s personal reflections and philosophies.

Katherine Forrester Vigneras

The Small Rain




A Severed Wasp


Camilla Dickinson

Camilla Dickinson / Camilla


A Live Coal in the Sea


Austin Family Chronicles

Meet the Austins


The Moon by Night


The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas


The Young Unicorns


A Ring of Endless Light


The Anti-Muffins


Troubling a Star


A Full House


Time Quintet

A Wrinkle in Time


A Wind in the Door


A Swiftly Tilting Planet


Many Waters


An Acceptable Time


Intergalactic P.S. 3


Time Quintet Graphic Novels

A Wrinkle in Time


O'Keefe Family

The Arm of the Starfish


Dragons in the Waters


A House Like a Lotus


Crosswicks Journals

A Circle of Quiet


The Summer of the Great-Grandmother


The Irrational Season


Two Part Invention: The Story of a Marriage



And It Was Good: Reflections on Beginnings


A Stone for a Pillow: Journeys with Jacob


Sold into Egypt: Joseph's Journey into Human Being


Standalone Novels



And Both Were Young


A Winter's Love


The Love Letters


Dance in the Desert


The Other Side of the Sun


The Weather of the Heart


Certain Women


Short Stories/Novellas

The Fact of the Matter


Madeleine L’Engle Short Story Collections

Lines Scribbled on an Envelope and Other Poems


Ladder of Angels


A Cry Like a Bell


The Sphinx at Dawn: Two Stories



(1996)(With: Luci Shaw)

Miracle on 10th Street and Other Christmas Writings


101st Miracle: Early Short Stories


The Ordering of Love: The New and Collected Poems of Madeleine L'Engle


The Moment of Tenderness


Madeleine L’Engle Standalone Plays

The Journey with Jonah


Madeleine L’Engle Picture

Moses, Prince of Egypt


The Other Dog


Madeleine L’Engle Non-Fiction

Prayers for Sunday


Everyday Prayers


Walking on Water: Personal Reflections


Trailing Clouds of Glory: Spiritual Values in Children's Literature

(1985)(With: Avery Brooke)

From This Day Forward


The Glorious Impossible


The Rock That is Higher: Story as Truth


Anytime Prayers


Penguins and Golden Calves: Icons and Idols in Antarctica and Other Spiritual Places


Glimpses of Grace: Daily Thoughts and Reflections

(1996)(With: Carole F. Chase)

Bright Evening Star: Mystery of the Incarnation


Friends for the Journey

(1997)(With: Luci Shaw)

Mothers & Daughters


My Own Small Place: Developing the Writing Life


A Prayerbook for Spiritual Friends: Partners in Prayer


Mothers and Sons


Madeleine L'Engle Herself: Reflections on a Writing Life

(2001)(With: Carole F. Chase)

The Joys of Love


Luci Shaw Short Story Collections




The Unicorn Treasury


Writing Women's Lives


Second Sight


Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas


Home for Christmas: Stories for Young and Old


The Wand in the Word


Way More than Luck


Following the Call: Living the Sermon on the Mount Together

