Roy Lewis

Roy Lewis

7 Series

Roy Lewis is a British author known for his crime fiction series, including John Crow, Eric Ward, and Arnold Landon. His novels are often set in northern England, reflecting his own residence. Prior to his writing career, Lewis served as a college principal and Inspector of Schools. He is the father of three lawyers.

In "A Wolf by the Ears" by Roy Lewis, Stephen Kirk anticipates inheriting a fortune after his parents' death in a fire, but his legitimacy is questioned due to the absence of a will. As his solicitor, David Centre, delves into Kirk's complex family history, Kirk is arrested on a serious charge. Complicating matters, Kirk has no memory of the night his parents died. Centre uncovers multiple suspects with motives to eliminate Harry Kirk, Stephen's father. This standalone novel weaves a tangled web of inheritance and suspicion.

Arnold Landon

A Gathering of Ghosts / Murder in the Barn


Most Cunning Workmen / Murder in the Manor


A Trout in the Milk / Murder in the Farmhouse


Men of Subtle Craft / Murder in the Stableyard


The Devil is Dead / Murder in the Church


A Wisp of Smoke / Murder in the House


A Secret Dying / Murder in the Tower


Bloodeagle / Murder Under the Bridge


The Cross Bearer / Murder by the Quay


A Short-Lived Ghost / Murder at the Folly


Angel of Death / Murder in the Field


Suddenly as a Shadow / Murder in the Cottage


The Shape-Shifter / Murder at Haggburn Hall


The Ghost Dancers / Murder on the Golf Course


An Assumption of Death / Murder on the Dawn Princess


Dead Secret / Murder in Wolfcleugh Woods


The Ways of Death / Murder at Abby Head


Headhunter / Murder in the South of France


Grave Error / Murder in Rome


Dragon Head / Murder in China


Shadowmaker / Murder in La Rochelle


Goddess of Death / Murder in Valencia


Eric Ward

A Certain Blindness / The Sedleigh Hall Murder


Dwell in Danger / The Farming Murder


A Limited Vision / The Quayside Murder


Once Dying, Twice Dead / The Diamond Murder


A Blurred Reality / The Geordie Murder


Premium on Death / The Shipping Murder


The Salamander Chill / The City of London Murder


A Necessary Dealing / The Apartment Murder


A Kind of Transaction / The Spanish Villa Murder


A Form of Death / The Marriage Murder


The Nightwalker / The Wasteful Murder


Phantom / The Phantom Murder


Dead Man Running / The Slaughterhouse Murder


Embers of the Dead / The Tattoo Murder


Death Squad / The Football Murder


Guardian of the Dead / The Tutankhamun Murder


Design for Murder / The Zodiac Murder


Inspector John Crow

A Lover Too Many


Error of Judgment


A Secret Singing / The Woods Murder


Blood Money / Murder for Money


A Question of Degree / Murder in the Mine


A Part of Virtue / A Cotswolds Murder / A Dartmoor Murder


Nothing But Foxes / A Fox Hunting Murder


Standalone Novels

The Evolution Man: Or, How I Ate My Father


A Wolf by the Ears


The Fenokee Project


A Fool for a Client


Of Singular Purpose


Double Take


Witness My Death


A Distant Banner


An Uncertain Sound


An Inevitable Fatality


A Violent Death


Seek for Justice


The Secret of Skull Island


Murder in Malacca


Dead Ringer


The Paduan Conspiracy / Cardinal Obsession


The Lady and the Lawyers


Cardinal Error


Breaths of Suspicion


A Fugitive Englishman


Shadows of the Past


A Distant Bugle


Short Stories/Novellas

Brought to Justice


The Golden Caverns


The Undertakers


Command of the Sea Tiger


Death in the Desert


Short Story Collections

Skin Deep


The Chill of Death



Certain Private Incidents

