Sandra Becker

Sandra Becker

6 Series

Sandra Becker is an American author specializing in Amish romance fiction. Prior to her writing career, she was an avid reader of the genre. Becker has authored several books, including the notable series Amish Countryside and Amish Sweet Faith.

In "The Amish Teacher" by Sandra Becker, Martha Graber, the eldest of her siblings and resigned to a life of singledom, meets Jacob, a younger Amish man. Their chance encounter reignites Martha's hopes for marriage. Despite their significant age difference and societal disapproval, they must navigate whether Jacob's affections are genuine. Can they overcome the challenges to find true love?

Amish Countryside

Water, The Alphabet and Other Stories


Amish Sweethearts: Karen and Joshua


Amish: To Be Or Not To Be


Amish: To Be Or Not To Be: Part 2


Amish Sweethearts: Sarah and Isaac


An Unexpected Proposal


Amish Temptation


Amish Horsekeeper


Amish Horsekeeper's Cousin


Amish Thanksgiving


Amish Christmas


The Anxious Bride


The Jealous Husband


The Worried Mother


The Englisher Next Door


The Impossible Choice


The Reluctant Groom


The Amish Decision


The Amish Punishment


The Perfect Bride


Amish Renewed Faith


The Unforgettable Englisher


Amish Romance

Let Go and Let God


God has a Plan for You


God will Show the Path


Amish Second Chance

A Second Chance


A Second Chance - Part 2


A Second Chance - Part 3


Amish Siblings

The Amish Chef


The Amish Carpenter


The Amish Teacher


The Bishop's Daughter


Amish Wildflower

The Wildflower Blooms


A New Life


The Mysterious Stranger



The Dummies Guide to Monograms

