Irwin Shaw

Irwin Shaw

7 Series

Irwin Shaw was an acclaimed American novelist and screenwriter. His notable work, "The Young Lions," was adapted into a film featuring Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift.

Rich Man, Poor Man follows the lives of two brothers coming of age in the 1940s, too young to fight in World War II yet deeply affected by it. As they navigate their paths, each family member challenges the prevailing tides of history. The narrative spans from post-World War II to the Vietnam era, capturing America's transformation through conflict and cultural shifts. The brothers' journey reflects the broader societal changes driven by American commerce and culture.

Rich Man, Poor Man

Rich Man, Poor Man


Beggarman, Thief


Standalone Novels

The Young Lions


The Troubled Air


Voices of a Summer Day


Lucy Crown


Two Weeks In Another Town


Evening In Byzantium




The Top of the Hill


Bread Upon the Waters


Acceptable Losses



Bury the Dead



Sailor Off the Bremen and Other Stories


Act of Faith and Other Stories


Mixed Company


Tip on a Dead Jockey


Selected Short Stories of Irwin Shaw


Love on a Dark Street


Whispers In Bedlam


God Was Here But He Left Early


Short Stories




Welcome to the city and other stories



In the Company of Dolphins


Paris! Paris!


Akashic Noir

San Francisco Noir


Seattle Noir


Bronx Noir


Brooklyn Noir


Brooklyn Noir 2


Chicago Noir


Manhattan Noir


Miami Noir: The Classics


D.C. Noir


Baltimore Noir


London Noir


New Orleans Noir


Los Angeles Noir


Wall Street Noir


Havana Noir


Detroit Noir


Brooklyn Noir 3: Nothing But the Truth


Toronto Noir


Las Vegas Noir


Manhattan Noir 2


Paris Noir


Istanbul Noir


Boston Noir


Rome Noir


San Francisco Noir 2


Portland Noir


Delhi Noir


Phoenix Noir


Los Angeles Noir 2


Mexico City Noir


Richmond Noir


Orange County Noir


Indian Country Noir


Moscow Noir


Lone Star Noir


Philadelphia Noir


Haiti Noir


Copenhagen Noir


Pittsburgh Noir


San Diego Noir


Pittsburgh Noir


Barcelona Noir


Cape Cod Noir


Staten Island Noir


Mumbai Noir


Long Island Noir


Venice Noir


Kingston Noir


St. Petersburg Noir


Kansas City Noir


Boston Noir 2


Manila Noir


Buffalo Noir


Twin Cities Noir


Dallas Noir


Haiti Noir 2


Singapore Noir


Prison Noir


Tel Aviv Noir


Tehran Noir


Belfast Noir


Helsinki Noir


Providence Noir


Chicago Noir: The Classics


Memphis Noir


Zagreb Noir


Marseille Noir


Beirut Noir


Stockholm Noir


Brussels Noir


Mississippi Noir


St. Louis Noir


Prague Noir


San Juan Noir


Oakland Noir


Trinidad Noir


Atlanta Noir


New Haven Noir


Montana Noir


Buenos Aires Noir


Montreal Noir


Berlin Noir


São Paulo Noir


Santa Cruz Noir


Lagos Noir


Marrakech Noir


Baghdad Noir


Vancouver Noir


Sydney Noir


Hong Kong Noir


Amsterdam Noir


Houston Noir


Columbus Noir


Santa Fe Noir


Alabama Noir


Addis Ababa Noir


Tampa Bay Noir


Belgrade Noir



50 Great Short Stories


Short Story Masterpieces: 35 Classic American and British Stories from the First Half of the 20th Century


Points of View


This Was Your War


50 Great American Short Stories


Arena: Sports Science Fiction


Ready or Not: Here Come Fourteen Frightening Stories!


Great World War II Stories


The Amis Story Anthology


First Fiction: An Anthology of the First Published Stories by Famous Writers


Writing New York


Wonderful Town


Brooklyn Noir 2

